Tags: diniciacci/zend-form
zend-form 2.12.0 Added ----- - [zendframework#194](zendframework#194) adds the ability to whitelist additional HTML attributes for use with a view helper, as well as attribute prefixes. These can be enabled via the following: ```php $helper->addValidAttribute('attribute-name'); $helper->addValidAttributePrefix('prefix-'); ``` - [zendframework#188](zendframework#188) adds a new method to the `FormElementErrors` view helper, `setTranslateMessages(bool $flag)`. By default, the helper continues to translate error messages (if a translator is present), as introduced in 2.11.0. However, using this method, you can disable translation, which may be necessary to prevent double translation and/or to reduce logs from missed translation lookups. Because the method implements a fluent interface, you may do so in one line: ```php echo $this->formElementErrors()->setTranslateMessages(false); ``` Note: you will need to reset the value afterwards if you want translations to occur in later invocations. Changed ------- - [zendframework#193](zendframework#193) modifies how attributes are escaped. If zend-espaper raises an exception for an invalid attribute value, helpers will now catch the exception, and use a blank value for the attribute. This prevents 500 errors from being raised for such pages. Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - Nothing. Fixed ----- - Nothing.
zend-form 2.11.0 Added ----- - [zendframework#104](zendframework#104) adds the ability for the `FormElementErrors` view helper to translate validation error messages using the composed translator and text domain instances. - [zendframework#171](zendframework#171), [zendframework#186](zendframework#186), and [zendframework#187](zendframework#187) add support for PHP 7.2. Changed ------- - Nothing. Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - [zendframework#171](zendframework#171) removes support for HHVM. - [zendframework#186](zendframework#186) removes support for PHP 5.5. Fixed ----- - [zendframework#162](zendframework#162) fixes an issue with hydration when a form has called `setWrapElements(true)`, ensuring that binding values in a fieldset will correctly identify the elements in the provided data. - [zendframework#172](zendframework#172) fixes the `DateTime` element such that it no longer attempts to use its `DATETIME_FORMAT` constant, but, rather, the value of the `$format` property, when representing the element; this change allows developers to override the format, which was the original intention. - [zendframework#178](zendframework#178) loosens the checks in `Zend\Form\Element\DateTime::getValue()` to check against PHP's `DateTimeInterface` (vs `DateTime`) when retrieving the value; this fixes edge cases where it was instead returning the format for `DateTimeImmutable` values.
zend-form 2.10.2 Added ----- - Nothing. Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - Nothing. Fixed ----- - [zendframework#161](zendframework#161) adds an import statement to the `ElementFactory`, fixing an error whereby checks for `Traversable` creation options would lead to a service creation exception; these now correctly identify traversable options and convert them to an array. - [zendframework#164](zendframework#164) fixes how the `FormElementManagerFactory` factory initializes the plugin manager instance, ensuring it is injecting the relevant configuration from the `config` service and thus seeding it with configured form/form element services. This means that the `form_elements` configuration will now be honored in non-zend-mvc contexts. - [zendframework#159](zendframework#159) fixes the behavior of the `min` and `max` attributes of the various `DateTime` elements, ensuring that the elements raise an exception during instantiation if the values provided are in a format that `DateTime` does not recognize for the element type in question.
zend-form 2.10.1 Added ----- - Nothing. Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - Nothing. Fixed ----- - [zendframework#134](zendframework#134) fixes how the `FormElementManager` handles invokable classes when the `autoAddInvokableClass` flag is enabled. Previously, it used the built-in utilities from zend-servicemanager, but now correctly uses its own `setInvokableClass()` method, which forces usage of the `ElementFactory` for such classes, and thus ensures the name and options are passed to the element constructor. - [zendframework#136](zendframework#136) fixes how error messages are provided when an element uses a required `ArrayInput`, but no values are submitted. Previously, no messages were returned; now they are. - [zendframework#156](zendframework#156) fixes how elements that act as `InputProvider`s are merged into parent `CollectionInputFilter`s; previously, forms did not check if the element was in the target input filter composed in a `CollectionInputFilter`, leading to duplicate elements with varying behavior; now the inputs are correctly merged.
2.10.0 Added ----- - [zendframework#115](zendframework#115) adds translatable HTML attributes to the abstract view helper. - [zendframework#116](zendframework#116) adds the InputFilterFactory dependency to the constructor. Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - Nothing. Fixed ----- - [zendframework#139](zendframework#139) adds support for ReCaptcha version 2 though zend-captcha 2.7.1.
zend-form 2.9.2 Added ----- - Nothing. Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - Nothing. Fixed ----- - [zendframework#122](zendframework#122) fixes collection binding following successful validation. The fix introduced in zendframework#106, while it corrected the behavior around binding a collection that was not re-submitted, broke behavior around binding submitted collections. zendframework#122 corrects the issue, retaining the fix from zendframework#106.
zend-form 2.9.1 Added ----- - [zendframework#85](zendframework#85) adds support for the zend-code 3.0 series (retaining support for the 2.* series). Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - Nothing. Fixed ----- - [zendframework#119](zendframework#119) fixes the order in which the default initializers are injected into the `FormElementManager`, ensuring that the initializer injecting a factory into a `FormFactoryAware` instance is triggered before the initializer that calls `init()`, and also that the initializer calling `init()` is always triggered last. - [zendframework#106](zendframework#106) updates behavior around binding collection values to a fieldset or form such that if the collection is not part of the current validation group, its value will not be overwritten with an empty set.