This repository provides the official Python implementation for the Bottom-up Hidden Tree Markov model (BHTMM) in its (more general) input-output version (IOBHTMM). The model learns a distribution over tree-structured data, implemented throughout a generative process acting from the leaves to the root of the tree.
The library includes both a script to reproduce the tree classification experiments reported in the paper describing the method, as well as a more general configuration script showing how to use the model both in homogenous (BHTMM) and input-driven (IOBHTMM) version.
This research software is provided as is. If you happen to use or modify this code, please remember to cite the foundation papers:
If you have any query concerning the model (not its implementation), feel free to contact the corresponding Author of the paper ( Note that the code can be easily adapted to compute the generative Jaccard tree kernels described here: