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PHP API REST framework using annotations, and Swagger 2.0 support.


  • PHP >=7.2

Optional (Recommended)

Caching routes

Swagger yaml format


Use composer to manage your dependencies and download PHP-API-REST:

composer require diomac/php-api-rest

Get Started

API Rest Configuration

  • 1 - Place an .htaccess file in the root folder of your Rest API (base url), to redirect all routes to the API initialization file.

Example API folders:

.htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !init\.php$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule .* init.php [L,QSA]
  • 2 - Use the initialization file to import the dependencies of your project and...
    • Instantiate a Diomac\API\AppConfiguration object;
    • Set the base url of your API;
    • Add the Resources Class Names of your API (See Implementing API Rest Resources);
    • Instantiate a Diomac\API\App object using the configuration object;
    • Finally call exec method.

init.php file:

use Diomac\API\App;
use Diomac\API\AppConfiguration;

 * Initializing API configuration
$config = new AppConfiguration();

 * Adding resources classes

 * Execute API
    $app = new App($config);
}catch (Exception $ex){

Implementing API Rest Resources

  • 3 - In the resource class, enter the inheritance of the Resource class:
namespace example;

use Diomac\API\Resource;
use Diomac\API\Response;
use Diomac\API\UnauthorizedException;

class ExampleResource extends Resource 
  • 4 - For each method of the resource class, enter PHP annotation to identify routes (@route), HTTP methods (@method) and if you need a Class implementing Guard Interface to protect the route (@guard - See how implement guards in topic Implementing a Guard Class ):
* @method get
* @route /auth/usr-data/id/{id}
* @guard(
*     className="example\core\secure\ExampleGuard",
*     @parameters(operationId="GETUSERDATA")
* )
function getUsrData()
  // ... your code
  $this->response->setCode(Response::OK); // set HTTP response code
  $this->response->setBodyJSON($jsonSerializable); // set responde data
  return $this->response; // return response object

Resource Class Inheritance

  • 5 - Whenever a route is executed, the class holding the route will be instantiated and inherit the following attributes:

A Diomac\API\Request object with the methods:

$this->request->getParams() // returns the parameters of the URL and $_GET
$this->request->getData()   // returns an object sent by the front end
$this->request->getRoute()  // returns the executed route
$this->request->getMethod() // returns the executed HTTP method

A Diomac\API\Response object with the methods:

$this->response->setHeader('name', 'value'); // set HTTP header response
$this->response->setCode(Response::BAD_REQUEST); // set HTTP response code
$this->response->setBody('string'); // set response body
$this->response->setBodyJSON(\JsonSerializable object); // set response body to convert in JSON
$this->response->setContentType(''); // set content type response (for setBodyJSON not needed)

And it inherits methods from the Diomac\API\Resource class:

$this->getRoute(); // returns the configured route
$this->getParams(); // returns the parameters of the URL and $_GET
$this->getParam('name'); // returns a parameter by name


  • 6 - For the output simply return the response object:
return $this->response;

Complete Resource example

API get method:

 * @method get
 * @route /example/v1/pet/{petId}
 * @return Response
 * @throws Exception
function getPet(): Response
    try {
        $petId = $this->getParam('petId');
        $pet = new Pet($petId);

         * API Rest best practices - selecting returned fields and aliases
        $fields = $this->getParam('fields');

            Response::setFields(explode(',', $fields), Pet::class);

    } catch (Exception $ex) {
        throw new Exception('Internal Server Error', Response::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

    return $this->response;


* @method get
* @route /auth/usr-data/id/{id}
* @guard(
*     className="example\core\secure\ExampleGuard"
* )
* @guard(
*     className="example\core\secure\ExampleGuardWithParams",
*     @parameters(operationId="GETUSERDATA", operationName="GETUSERDATA")
* )
function getUsrData()
  // ... your code
  $this->response->setCode(Response::OK); // set HTTP response code
  $this->response->setBodyJSON($ this->request->getData()); // set responde data
  return $this->response; // return response object

Implementing a Guard Class

namespace api\secure;

use Diomac\API\Exception;
use Diomac\API\ForbiddenException;
use Diomac\API\UnauthorizedException;
use Diomac\API\Response;
use Diomac\API\Guard;

 * Class AuthGuard
 * @package api\secure
class AuthGuard implements Guard
     * @param object|null $guardParams
     * @return bool
     * @throws Exception
     * @throws ForbiddenException
     * @throws UnauthorizedException
    public function guard(object $guardParams = null) : bool
        $func = $guardParams->func;
        $access = checkAccess($func);
        switch ($access) {
            case Response::OK:
                return true;
            case Response::UNAUTHORIZED:                
                throw new UnauthorizedException();
            case Response::FORBIDDEN:                
                throw new ForbiddenException();
                throw new Exception('Server Error!', Response::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);


Cache settings save the mapped routes into a list, and when used (set to true), skip the route mapping step for better performance.

Cache with APC - Alternative PHP Cache

 * Setting use cache for caching of annotations mapping

 * Execute API
    $app = new App($config);
}catch (Exception $ex){

Cache with Redis

 * Set Redis for cache
$redis = new RedisConfig();

 * Setting use cache for caching of annotations mapping
$config->setUseCache(true, $redis);

Swagger 2.0 support

swagger.json or swagger.yaml

Create a route in a resource like the example below:

PHP Class:

use Diomac\API\Resource;
use Diomac\API\Response;
use example\v1\doc\ExampleSwaggerDoc;

class ExampleSwaggerJson extends Resource
     * @method get
     * @route /swagger.json
    function swaggerJson()
        $swagger = new ExampleSwaggerDoc();

         * JSON
         * Or YAML
        return $this->response;

Route result:

  "swagger": "2.0",
  "info": {
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "title": "Swagger Sample App",
    "description": "This is a sample server Petstore server.",
    "termsOfService": "http:\/\/\/terms\/",
    "contact": {
      "name": "API Support",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "url": "http:\/\/"
    "license": {
      "name": "Apache 2.0",
      "url": "http:\/\/\/licenses\/LICENSE-2.0.html"
  "host": "localhost",
  "basePath": "\/php-api-rest\/vendor\/example\/v1",
  "schemes": [
  "consumes": [
    "text\/plain; charset=utf-8"
  "produces": [
  "tags": [
      "name": "ExampleAPIDocSwagger",
      "description": "ExampleAPIDocSwagger",
      "externalDocs": {
        "description": "Externaldocsexample",
        "url": "http:\/\/"
  "paths": {

Swagger Info

To document the information (Swagger Info) of your API, you can use Swagger and SwaggerInfo classes. Just implement an "ExampleSwaggerDoc" class that inherits from Swagger as in the example below:

PHP Class:

use Diomac\API\swagger\Swagger;
use Diomac\API\swagger\SwaggerInfo;

class ExampleSwaggerDoc extends Swagger
    public function info(): SwaggerInfo
        $this->setInfo(new SwaggerInfo());
        $this->info->setTitle('Swagger Sample App');
        $this->info->setDescription('This is a sample server Petstore server.');

        $this->info->getContact()->setName('API Support');
        $this->info->getContact()->setEmail('[email protected]');

        $this->info->getLicense()->setName('Apache 2.0');

        return $this->getInfo();


Use @tag in PHPDoc Class to document Resources's routes with Swagger Tag Object.


 * Class ExampleResource
 * @package example\v1
 * @tag(
 *     name="Example API Doc Swagger",
 *     description="Example API Doc Swagger",
 *     @externalDocs(description="External docs example", url="")
 * )
class ExampleResource extends Resource

Swagger json result:

"tags": [
      "name": "ExampleAPIDocSwagger",
      "description": "ExampleAPIDocSwagger",
      "externalDocs": {
        "description": "Externaldocsexample",
        "url": "http:\/\/"

@tag (string)

Use @tag in PHPDoc function to document your route with a additional tag.


     * @method get
     * @route /example/api/value1/{value1}/value2/{value2}
     * @tag More one tag
    function getUsrData(): Response

Swagger json result:

"tags": [
          "More one tag",


Use @contentType in PHPDoc function to document your route with Swagger produces [string].


     * @method get
     * @route /example/api/value1/{value1}/value2/{value2}
     * @contentType application/json
     * @contentType text/html
    function getUsrData(): Response

Swagger json result:

"produces": [


Use @summary in PHPDoc function to document your route with Swagger summary string.


     * @method get
     * @route /example/api/value1/{value1}/value2/{value2}
     * @summary Example api rest php
    function getUsrData(): Response

Swagger json result:

"get": {
        "summary": "Example api rest php",


Use @description in PHPDoc function to document your route with Swagger description string.


     * @method get
     * @route /example/api/value1/{value1}/value2/{value2}
     * @description A example api rest php
    function getUsrData(): Response

Swagger json result:

"get": {
        "description": "A example api rest php",


Use @operationId in PHPDoc function to document your route with Swagger operationId string.


     * @method get
     * @route /example/api/value1/{value1}/value2/{value2}
     * @operationId GETUSERDATA
    function getUsrData(): Response

Swagger json result:

"get": {
        "operationId": "GETUSERDATA",


Use @consumeType in PHPDoc function to document your route with Swagger consumes [string].


     * @method get
     * @route /example/api/value1/{value1}/value2/{value2}
     * @consumeType text/plain; charset=utf-8
    function getUsrData(): Response

Swagger json result:

"post": {
       "consumes": [
                 "text\/plain; charset=utf-8"


Use @response(...) in PHPDoc function to document your route with Swagger response object.


     * @method get
     * @route /example/api/value1/{value1}/value2/{value2}
     * @response(
     *     code=200,
     *     description="Success",
     *     @schema(
     *     type="object",
     *     @items($ref="#/definitions/sucess")
     * )
     * )
    function getUsrData(): Response

Swagger json result:

"responses": {
          "200": {
            "description": "Success",
            "schema": {
              "type": "object",
              "items": {
                "$ref": "#\/definitions\/sucess"


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details