Contributors: willnorris, factoryjoe, pfefferle
Tags: openid, authentication, login, comments
Requires at least: 2.8
Tested up to: 4.4.1
Stable tag: 3.4.1
License: Apache 2.0
License URI:
Allows WordPress to provide and consumer OpenIDs for authentication of users and comments.
OpenID is an open standard that allows users to authenticate to websites without having to create a new password. This plugin allows users to login to their local WordPress account using an OpenID, as well as enabling commenters to leave authenticated comments with OpenID. The plugin also includes an OpenID provider, enabling users to login to OpenID-enabled sites using their own personal WordPress account. XRDS-Simple is required for the OpenID Provider and some features of the OpenID Consumer.
Developer documentation, which includes all of the public methods and hooks for integrating with and extending the plugin, can be found here.
This plugin follows the standard WordPress installation method:
- Upload the
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Configure the plugin through the 'OpenID' section of the 'Options' menu
In some cases the plugin may have problems if not enough memory has been allocated to PHP. Try ensuring that the PHP memory_limit is at least 8MB (limits of 64MB are not uncommon).
SSL certificate problems creep up when working with some OpenID providers (namely MyOpenID). This is typically due to an outdated CA cert bundle being used by libcurl. An explanation of the problem and a couple of solutions can be found here.
There are actually a couple of reasons that can cause this, but it seems one of the more common causes is a conflict with certain mod_security rules. See this blog post for instructions on how to resolve this issue.
First, be aware that this only works in WordPress 2.6 and up. Make sure you've
turned on SSL in WordPress by defining either of the following
globals as "true" in your wp-config.php
Then, also define the following global as "true" in your wp-config.php
Be aware that you will almost certainly have trouble with this if you are not using a certificate purchased from a well-known certificate authority.
Please direct support questions to the "Plugins and Hacks" section of the Support Forum. Just make sure and include the tag 'openid' so that I'll see your post. Additionally, you can file a bug report at
Project maintined on github at diso/wordpress-openid.
- update to latest OpenID library. Full changelog on github.
- fix comment bug
- fix XRDS-simple bug diso/wordpress-xrds-simple#4
- update to latest OpenID library (includes lots of bug fixes, particularly with PHP 5.3). Full changelog on github.
- fixed various PHP warnings/errors.
- various improvements and bugfixes (props @rodrigoprimo).
- attempt to use email as username before url for open id new user (props @yincrash).
- chinese and german (props Stephan Richter) translations.
- added WebFinger support
Full changelog on github.
- update to latest OpenID library (includes lots of bug fixes, particularly with PHP 5.3). Full changelog on github.
- various bug fixes. Full changelog on github.
- add/update danish, japanese, and spanish translations
- update to latest version of php-openid library
- fix a few PHP and WordPress warnings and notices
- add localizations for czech, danish, french, spanish, and vietnamese. Some are more up to date than others. More are welcome, see
- remove stylesheet for recent comments widget, since it breaks the style for OpenID comments
- various fixes with administration panels
- tiny bug in get_user_openids causing it to always return empty array
- minimum required version has been bumped to WordPress 2.8
- fix support for WordPress MU
- new, less obtrusive UI for comment form. Should also work with all themes in some form (with or without js).
- many administrative options have been moved to their respective locations on core WordPress Settings pages
- drop support for experimental EAUT and IDIB protocols
- drop support for installing the plugin in mu-plugins folder
- always include 'index.php' on OpenID endpoint URLs. Without that, some deployments were having problems.
- fix bug relating to trackbacks and pingbacks
- fix bug (#121) relating to unregistered options (props tom.tdw for the patch)
- lots of minor bug fixes
- fix XSS vulnerability. (props Stuart Metcalfe)
- fix problems when using non-index.php permalinks with non-apache web servers
- ensure that show_on_front option is not empty
- function name typo (props gunemalli)
- fix deprecated pass-by-reference call in php-openid library (props jschuur)
- fix UI bug on registration form with IE browsers (props oledole)
- UI tweaks to better match WP 2.7
- update a few strings for localization and POT file
- patch php-openid library to fix XRDS handling (thanks Mike Jones for helping find this)
- add default values for some openid vars -- necessary for OP-initiated login
- fix bug with OpenID server where OpenID request was sometimes lost
- add filter for openid_trust_root
- add uninstall hook for WordPress 2.7 -- this will remove all traces of the plugin from the database
- UI fixes for WordPress 2.7
- add settings link to plugins page
- silence XML parsing errors with PHP4
- ensure wp_scripts is set
- ensure openid comment processing occurs after akismet
- add ellipses to truncated OpenIDs (fixes #94)
- fix bug where Yahoo! OpenIDs weren't matching profile URL (fixes #98)
- don't return empty SREG values
- Add support for consuming Attribute Exchange
- use a single return_to URL for all OpenID actions
- cleaner OpenID service URLs when permalinks configured to do so (all path, no query string)
- fixed issue where OpenID Server would sometimes break depending on a users permalink structure (fixed #101)
- fixed issue where OpenID consumer would sometimes break if mod_encoding was enabled in Apache (used for WebDAV) (fixed #96)
- don't redirect when performing discovery on OpenID trust root
- allow OP extensions to include XRDS Types in login service
- run OpenID comment processor after Akismet, and skip if Akismet marks comment as spam
- fix error message if /dev/urandom is not readable
- ensure source of randomness is set properly
- prevent duplicate cleanup_openid cron jobs
- prevent SQL errors on activation
- suppress verbose error logging with XML parsing
- fix bug with OpenID Provider XRDS code that prevents ability to login to some sites (like
- added hidden constant to set custom comments post page (OPENID_COMMENTS_POST_PAGE)
- additional option to skip name and email check for OpenID comments
- use preferred username (from SREG) if possible when creating new account
- truncate long URLs when used as display_name for comments
- numerous bug fixes, including bug with registration form
- includes OpenID Provider
- supports OpenID delegation
- add experimental support for Email Address to URL Transformation
- many new hooks for extension and integration
- major code refactoring
- fix bug with "unauthorized return_to URL" (only known problem with
- fix bug with comments containing non-latin characters
- respect CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE constant if present (also added CUSTOM_OPENID_IDENTITY_TABLE constant)
- add experimental support for Identity in the Browser
- fixed EAUT handling code
- fixed bug that broke comments containing double quotes (")
- use POST replay for comments (fixes compatibility with other comment plugins)
- only build openid object when needed (much better memory usage)
- support for Email Address to URL Transformation (see
- fixed bug when using suhosin (hardened php)
- use hooks for gathering user data (more extensible)
- fixed openid spoofing vulnerability (
- lots code refactoring and UI cleanup
- fix javascript loading issues
- fix various bugs when creating new account with OpenID
- fix error message, and add new warning prompt when removing last OpenID for account
- fix UI issue with wp-login.php page in WP2.5
- fix bug printing supported curl protocols (
- fix jquery bug while adding category in WP2.5 (
- remove php5 dependency bug... AGAIN!
- also remove some other custom changes to php-openid I forgot were in there. This may actually re-introduce some edge-case bugs, but I'd rather expose them so that we can get the appropriate patches pushed upstream if they really are necessary.
- update php-openid library to latest. Now properly supports Yahoo's OpenID provider.
- add support for wordpress v2.5
- fix php5 dependency bug
- improve jQuery code to reduce problems with other js libraries
- address security bug mentioned here. Props Sam Alexander
- minor typo in profile data code
- minor bug where profile data is being overwritten
- added FAQ items for plugin updater and adding an OpenID field to a comment form
- better tracking of which users have OpenIDs linked to their local WP account
- better automatic username generation
- fixed bug where non-OpenID websites had problems (bug 729)
- upgrade to version 2.0 of JanRain OpenID library
- admin option to rebuild tables
- simplified admin interface by using reasonable defaults. Default behaviors include:
- "unobtrusive mode"
- always add openid to wp-login.php
- always use WP option 'home' for the trust root
- new features
- hook for trust engine, with very simple implementation included
- supports OpenID 2.0 (draft 12) as well as OpenID 1.1 and SReg 1.0
- normal collection of bug fixes
- added style readme.txt
Full SVN logs are available at
The original OpenID plugin for WordPress was a collaborative effort between Alan Castonguay and Hans Granqvist.
Will Norris forked the plugin and has since become the maintainer.