Swaggiffy is a zero config opensource tool for documenting your Node.js Express APIs and is built on top of Swagger. It is designed to be easy to use and simple, with the goal that anyone can read it.
- Automated Swagger Schema Registry.
- Automated Swagger API Definition Registry.
- Automatic Swagger file rendering.
- Clean and Simple Config file.
- Supports both OpenAPI 2 and OpenAPI 3.
- Supports for Typescript Classes.
- Support for Mongoose ORM Schema Objects.
- Support for Swagger YAML and JSON.
- Rich CLI.
- Built on top on Express and Swagger.
And more ...
npm i swaggiffy #npm
yarn add swaggiffy #yarn
pnpm add swaggiffy #pnpm
Swaggify creates a clean and simple configuration file. In addition, it create a swagger definition file, to your preffered path specified in the configuration file.
This is will generate both swaggiffy.config.json
and swagger/swagger.json
npx swaggiffy init -p PORT
Generate the config file only.
npx swaggiffy generate:config
Generate the spec file only.
npx swaggiffy generate:spec
In your main .js or .ts file.
const { Swaggiffy } = require('swaggiffy'); // Using require
import { Swaggiffy } from 'swaggiffy'; // Using import
Build Swaggiffy with your express app.
new Swaggiffy().setupExpress(app).swaggiffy();
To register a schema
import { registerSchema, registerSchemas } from 'swaggiffy';
registerSchema('Model Name 1', modelObj1); // for plain Js objects
registerSchema('Model Name 2', modelObj2, { orm: 'mongoose' }); // for mongoose model
registerSchema('Model Name 2', modelObj3, { orm: 'sequelize' }); // for sequelize model
registerSchemas([ {'Model Name 1', modelObj1 }, {'Model Name 2', modelObj2, { orm: 'mongoose' }} ]); // for multiple schemas
For classes use
import { Schema } from 'swaggiffy';
class Model {
property1 = '';
property2 = '';
property3 = '';
We generate API Definition from Express Routers.
: Tags are swagger groupings
: Maps the desired schema registered in swagger to your API Definition.
: Base Paths specifies the route for your router.
import { registerDefinition, registerDefinitions } from 'swaggiffy';
registerDefinition(router, { tags: 'Products', mappedSchema: 'Product', basePath: '/products' });
{ tags: 'Products', mappedSchema: 'Product', basePath: '/products' },
{ tags: 'Users', mappedSchema: 'User', basePath: '/user' },
node app.js
With nodemon we need to exclude files
nodemon --ignore '*swagger.json' app.js
or create a nodemon.json
file with
"ignore": ["*swagger.json"]
Tada!, Now access localhost:PORT/api-docs
to see swagger 😁.
Checkout this repository for demo and additional examples. Swaggiffy Samples
You are welcome for contributions. Please read our CONTRIBUTING.md file.
- Divin Irakiza (@divinirakiza)