The purpose of this project lies in analysing the expression levels of various genes of different tissues and discovering a "context-specific" housekeeping gene. "Context-specific" refers to consistency in the gene expression across different cell types, disease and developmental stage.
SSH key A public key was set and saved in /home/yerihan/.ssh/
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
git clone [email protected]:hanyeri/cshkg
User information
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global "Yeri Han"
On Fedora 36, install ...
sudo dnf install rstudio-desktop
Developmental files-devel, R header files
sudo dnf install make automake gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel
sudo dnf install R-core-devel R-java-devel libRmath-devel
- io: read from, write to, plot to in an unified manner
- ggplot2
- dplyr
- annotate
- hgu133a.db: human genome u133a expression array annotation data
Bioconductor packages
BiocManager::install(c("annotate", "hgu133a.db"))
CRAN packages
install.packages(c("io", "ggplot2", "dplyr"))
This repo is organized by different datasets:
- biogps
- pancan
- gtex
to the data
Within a dataset directory, run ./
Prepare the data by running Rscript preprocess.R
Set R working directory to be the same as the script.
[Session] -> [Set Working Directory] -> [To Source file location]
Then, run analyze.R
in pancan.
We calculate variations within and between the groups as follows.
For each gene, between-group standard deviation \sigma_{bw}
is calculated as
\sigma_{bw} = \sqrt{ (\sum_g^G m_g - \bar{m})^2 / (G - 1) }
\bar{m} = \frac{1}{G} \sum_g^G m_g
where G
is the number of groups,
and m_g
is the mean expression within group g
The within group standard deviation \sigma_{wi}
is calculated by
\sigma_{wi} = \sqrt{ (\sum_g^G ((x_i^{(g)} - \bar{x}^{(g)})^2) / ( \sum_g^G N_g - 1 ) }
\bar{x}^{(g)} = \frac{1}{N_g} \sum_i^{N_g} x_i^{(g)}
where N_g
is the number of samples within group g
, and
is the expression of sample i
within group g
- add: take modified file from working directory to Git index (staging area)
- commit: creates a new revision log, you can only commit after you add
- push: add the change to the GitHub
- diff: outputs the difference between two inputs
Bioconductor packages could not be downloaded completely at first because R was an older
version and the outdated packages were relocated to a backup server, taking too much time to be retrieved.
Both Fedora and R are updated and biocManager packages were then be able to be downloaded.
Guide on updating Fedora