ESP32 based AY Turbo Sound multiformat player
Fast flash firmware avaliable on Alex Spawn OTA web page
Firmwares from version 3.4 supports only PCB revision C! But you can soldering upgrade revision A and B to C:
Cut JP1 jumper on revisions A and B first!
You need to cut the input track on the resistor R33(see Pic.2) and solder the wire from the ESP32 (see Pic.1) to the cut contact of the resistor. See the images below.
You need to cut the tracks as shown in Figure 5 (red cut lines), then carefully strip the tracks from the solder mask and solder the wires (green lines) to the ESP32.
- .ayl - Ay_Emul by Sergey Bulba own playlist format
- .pt1 - Pro Tracker v1 file format
- .pt2 - Pro Tracker v2 file format
- .pt3 - Pro Tracker v3 (include Turbo Sound on two AY chips) file format
- .stc - Sound Tracker file format
- .stp - Sound Tracker Pro file format
- .asc - Sound Master file format
- .psc - Pro Sound Creator file format
- .sqt - SQ Tracker file format
- .ay - AY file format
- .psg - Programmable Sound Generator file format
- .rsf - Registers Stream Flow file format
- .yrg - Custom AVR-AY format
- .mod - Amiga MOD tracker format designed for creating, storing and playing music on an Amiga PC
- .s3m - (Scream Tracker 3 Module) is a module file format, based on the original MOD format used on the Amiga computer.
- UART mode (available in player settings menu as Player source)
- Encoder Hold - change mode player/file browser
- Encoder Click - in player mode - play/pause; in file browser mode select track/playlist/directory; select - in config mode
- Encoder Double click - in player mode - open settings
- Encoder Push and turn right - fast forward (for ay format change next subsong)
- Encoder Push and turn left - slow down (for ay format change previous subsong)
- Left button click/hold - volume - (in player mode); cancel - in config mode
- Right button click/hold - volume + (in player mode)
- Left button double click - change AY clock (in player mode) for PSG formats or change stereo panning for formats over DAC (mod,s3m etc.)
- Right button double click - change play mode: all/shuffle/once (in player mode)
- Playing all tracks (in folder/playlist)
- Playing random track (in folder/playlist)
- Playing once track (loop)
- ZX SPECTRUM - 1773400 Hz
- PENTAGON - 1750000 Hz
- MSX - 1789772 Hz
- CPC - 1000000 Hz
- ATARI ST - 2000000 Hz
- Add new feature: "UART mode" with AVR-AY player through UART.
- Add new formats: .mod and .s3m tracker module formats
- Change PCB to revision C