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hmm example
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dave dai committed Oct 11, 2017
1 parent 2f8f25e commit d2942a0
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170 changes: 170 additions & 0 deletions example/HMM/
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@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
import numpy as np

class HMM:
Order 1 Hidden Markov Model
A : numpy.ndarray
State transition probability matrix
B: numpy.ndarray
Output emission probability matrix with shape(N, number of output types)
pi: numpy.ndarray
Initial state probablity vector
Common Variables
obs_seq : list of int
list of observations (represented as ints corresponding to output
indexes in B) in order of appearance
T : int
number of observations in an observation sequence
N : int
number of states

def __init__(self, A, B, pi):
self.A = A
self.B = B
self.pi = pi

def _forward(self, obs_seq):
N = self.A.shape[0]
T = len(obs_seq)

F = np.zeros((N,T))
F[:,0] = self.pi * self.B[:, obs_seq[0]]

for t in range(1, T):
for n in range(N):
F[n,t] =[:,t-1], (self.A[:,n])) * self.B[n, obs_seq[t]]

return F

def _backward(self, obs_seq):
N = self.A.shape[0]
T = len(obs_seq)

X = np.zeros((N,T))
X[:,-1:] = 1

for t in reversed(range(T-1)):
for n in range(N):
X[n,t] = np.sum(X[:,t+1] * self.A[n,:] * self.B[:, obs_seq[t+1]])

return X

def observation_prob(self, obs_seq):
""" P( entire observation sequence | A, B, pi ) """
return np.sum(self._forward(obs_seq)[:,-1])

def state_path(self, obs_seq):
V[last_state, -1] : float
Probability of the optimal state path
path : list(int)
Optimal state path for the observation sequence
V, prev = self.viterbi(obs_seq)

# Build state path with greatest probability
last_state = np.argmax(V[:,-1])
path = list(self.build_viterbi_path(prev, last_state))

return V[last_state,-1], reversed(path)

def viterbi(self, obs_seq):
V : numpy.ndarray
V [s][t] = Maximum probability of an observation sequence ending
at time 't' with final state 's'
prev : numpy.ndarray
Contains a pointer to the previous state at t-1 that maximizes
N = self.A.shape[0]
T = len(obs_seq)
prev = np.zeros((T - 1, N), dtype=int)

# DP matrix containing max likelihood of state at a given time
V = np.zeros((N, T))
V[:,0] = self.pi * self.B[:,obs_seq[0]]

for t in range(1, T):
for n in range(N):
seq_probs = V[:,t-1] * self.A[:,n] * self.B[n, obs_seq[t]]
prev[t-1,n] = np.argmax(seq_probs)
V[n,t] = np.max(seq_probs)

return V, prev

def build_viterbi_path(self, prev, last_state):
"""Returns a state path ending in last_state in reverse order."""
T = len(prev)
for i in range(T-1, -1, -1):
yield(prev[i, last_state])
last_state = prev[i, last_state]

def simulate(self, T):

def draw_from(probs):
return np.where(np.random.multinomial(1,probs) == 1)[0][0]

observations = np.zeros(T, dtype=int)
states = np.zeros(T, dtype=int)
states[0] = draw_from(self.pi)
observations[0] = draw_from(self.B[states[0],:])
for t in range(1, T):
states[t] = draw_from(self.A[states[t-1],:])
observations[t] = draw_from(self.B[states[t],:])
return observations,states

def baum_welch_train(self, observations, criterion=0.05):
n_states = self.A.shape[0]
n_samples = len(observations)

done = False
while not done:
# alpha_t(i) = P(O_1 O_2 ... O_t, q_t = S_i | hmm)
# Initialize alpha
alpha = self._forward(observations)

# beta_t(i) = P(O_t+1 O_t+2 ... O_T | q_t = S_i , hmm)
# Initialize beta
beta = self._backward(observations)

xi = np.zeros((n_states,n_states,n_samples-1))
for t in range(n_samples-1):
denom =[:,t].T, self.A) * self.B[:,observations[t+1]].T, beta[:,t+1])
for i in range(n_states):
numer = alpha[i,t] * self.A[i,:] * self.B[:,observations[t+1]].T * beta[:,t+1].T
xi[i,:,t] = numer / denom

# gamma_t(i) = P(q_t = S_i | O, hmm)
gamma = np.squeeze(np.sum(xi,axis=1))
# Need final gamma element for new B
prod = (alpha[:,n_samples-1] * beta[:,n_samples-1]).reshape((-1,1))
gamma = np.hstack((gamma, prod / np.sum(prod))) #append one more to gamma!!!

newpi = gamma[:,0]
newA = np.sum(xi,2) / np.sum(gamma[:,:-1],axis=1).reshape((-1,1))
newB = np.copy(self.B)

num_levels = self.B.shape[1]
sumgamma = np.sum(gamma,axis=1)
for lev in range(num_levels):
mask = observations == lev
newB[:,lev] = np.sum(gamma[:,mask],axis=1) / sumgamma

if np.max(abs(self.pi - newpi)) < criterion and \
np.max(abs(self.A - newA)) < criterion and \
np.max(abs(self.B - newB)) < criterion:
done = 1

self.A[:],self.B[:],self.pi[:] = newA,newB,newpi
98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions example/HMM/
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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Filename:
# Author:hankcs
# Date: 2016-08-06 PM6:04
import numpy as np

from example.HMM import hmm

states = ('Healthy', 'Fever')

observations = ('normal', 'cold', 'dizzy')

start_probability = {'Healthy': 0.6, 'Fever': 0.4}

transition_probability = {
'Healthy': {'Healthy': 0.7, 'Fever': 0.3},
'Fever': {'Healthy': 0.4, 'Fever': 0.6},

emission_probability = {
'Healthy': {'normal': 0.5, 'cold': 0.4, 'dizzy': 0.1},
'Fever': {'normal': 0.1, 'cold': 0.3, 'dizzy': 0.6},

def generate_index_map(lables):
index_label = {}
label_index = {}
i = 0
for l in lables:
index_label[i] = l
label_index[l] = i
i += 1
return label_index, index_label

states_label_index, states_index_label = generate_index_map(states)
observations_label_index, observations_index_label = generate_index_map(observations)

def convert_observations_to_index(observations, label_index):
list = []
for o in observations:
return list

def convert_map_to_vector(map, label_index):
v = np.empty(len(map), dtype=float)
for e in map:
v[label_index[e]] = map[e]
return v

def convert_map_to_matrix(map, label_index1, label_index2):
m = np.empty((len(label_index1), len(label_index2)), dtype=float)
for line in map:
for col in map[line]:
m[label_index1[line]][label_index2[col]] = map[line][col]
return m

A = convert_map_to_matrix(transition_probability, states_label_index, states_label_index)
# print A
B = convert_map_to_matrix(emission_probability, states_label_index, observations_label_index)
# print B
observations_index = convert_observations_to_index(observations, observations_label_index)
pi = convert_map_to_vector(start_probability, states_label_index)
# print pi

h = hmm.HMM(A, B, pi)
V, p = h.viterbi(observations_index)
print( " " * 7, " ".join(("%10s" % observations_index_label[i]) for i in observations_index))
for s in range(0, 2):
print("%7s: " % states_index_label[s] + " ".join("%10s" % ("%f" % v) for v in V[s]))
print('\nThe most possible states and probability are:')
p, ss = h.state_path(observations_index)
for s in ss:

# run a baum_welch_train
observations_data, states_data = h.simulate(100)
# print observations_data
# print states_data
guess = hmm.HMM(np.array([[0.5, 0.5],
[0.5, 0.5]]),
np.array([[0.3, 0.3, 0.3],
[0.3, 0.3, 0.3]]),
np.array([0.5, 0.5])
states_out = guess.state_path(observations_data)[1]
p = 0.0
for s in states_data:
if next(states_out) == s: p += 1

print(p / len(states_data))

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