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This is a Configuration File Interface library, CFI.

This library performs the task of reading (loading) and writing (storing)
general purpose configuration files.  The loaded data can be searched and
changed, or data can be created from scratch, and then stored into a file.

The format of the configuration files that CFI can read and write is defined by
the CFI grammar.  The CFI grammar is a small general dictionary grammar that
can be used to describe a wide variety of general purpose configuration

CFI is the transport mechanism enforcing the CFI grammar; it moves data to and
fro, from correctly formatted configuration files to data structures in memory,
and from the data structures in memory to a configuration file.

CFI has an API which provides functions to read and write files, and to create
and change data in internal data structures.

The CFI dictionary grammar for configuration files:

BNF Conventions

''	enclose literal lexical elements.
[]	enclose optional grammar.
{}	enclose grammar which is repeated zero or more times.
|	between alternates.

BNF Grammar & Regular Expression Lexical Elements

<dictionary>	::= { <word> | <word-attribute> | <section> }
<word>		::= <attribute> ;
<key-attribute>	::= <word> '=' <attribute> { ',' <attribute> } ';'
<section>	::= <word> [ '(' <attribute> ')' ] '{' { <dictionary> } '}'
<attribute>	::= <word> | <number> | <string>

word            [A-Za-z]((_[A-Za-z0-9])|([A-Za-z0-9]))*
exp_num         [-+]?[0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?
hex_num         0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+
num             [-+]?[0-9]+
oct_num         0[oO][0-7]+
bin_num         0[bB][0-1]+

Comments in the Grammar

#  This is a line comment, like shell.
-- This is a line comment, like Ada.
// This is a line comment, like C++.

/* This is a nested (probably capable of 32767 levels) /* block comment, */
   like C. */

For official releases of libcfi, see the ttylinux extras web page:


Configuration File Interface library







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