File cleaner (fcl) is app for cleanup files from host folder (and subfolders) by modification time and/or file size.
You can download releases here.
Install commands example for version 0.0.1
on linux OS:
mv fcl_0.0.1_linux_amd64 /usr/local/bin/fcl
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/fcl
All usage commands available on help flag:
fcl -h
Some command examples:
# Remove all files in CURRENT dir and subdirs older than 1 day
fcl -mtime 1
# List (not delete) all files in current dir and subdirs older than 1 day
fcl -mtime 1 -check
# Remove all files in specific folder dir and subdirs older than 1 day
fcl -path /dummy/path -mtime 1
# Remove all files in specific folder dir and subdirs older than 1 day with exception dir and file
fcl -path /dummy/path -mtime 1 -skip /dummy/path/subdir1,/dummy/path/file.log
# Remove all files in specific folder dir and subdirs older than 1 day and delete empty directories after that
fcl -path /dummy/path -mtime 1 -cleanup-empty-dirs
# Delete files bigger than 10MB
fcl -path /dummy/path -size 10
# Files bigger than 25,5MB
fcl -path /dummy/path -size 25.5
# Delete files bigger than 10MB AND older than 5 days
fcl -path /dummy/path -size 10 -mtime 5