- Purwokerto, Central Java
(UTC +07:00) - s.id/abdiel
- diel_z
- in/muhammad-abdiel-al-hafiz
- https://abdiel.hashnode.dev/
- https://medium.com/@abdielz
- Pro
Sistem Rekomendasi Produk Fashion menggunakan pendekatan Content Based Filtering dan Collaborative Filtering menggunakan Neural Collaborative Filtering.
eye-disease-classification Public
Focuses on classifying eye diseases into four categories: normal, cataract, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma. Using a dataset of over 4,000 images, the model achieved an accuracy of 92%. The proj…
bitcoin-predictive-analytics Public
Memprediksi harga Bitcoin selama 5 hari ke depan dari 20-24 Oktober 2024 menggunakan algoritma XGBoost.
animals-classification Public
Explores the application of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for the task of animal image classification. I have curated a dataset of diverse animal images and employed transfer learning to fin…
dana-sentiment-analysis Public
This project aims to design a deep learning model with certain schemes to analyze the sentiment of each user review which is then evaluated with predefined objectives.
gender-classification Public
Model Machine Learning sederhana untuk memprediksi gender berdasarkan tinggi badan, berat badan, dan ukuran sepatu.
rps-image-classification Public
Model klasifikasi gambar menggunakan CNN untuk mengklasifikasikan gambar gestur tangan batu, gunting, dan kertas.
weather-forecast Public
A simple weather forecasting website using the openweathermap API.
laundry-unit-testing Public
The Laundry Unit Testing is a simple unit testing example to understand the basics of unit testing in Python.
supply-chain-database Public
Rancangan basis data rantai pasok kue kering menggunakan SQL Server.
kelola-data-siswa Public
Simple website for managing student data using Laravel framework.
abdiel-documentation Public
List of my project documentation made with gitbook.
1 UpdatedFeb 28, 2023 -
sistem-informasi-pegawai Public
The Employee System(Sistem Pegawai) helps companies keep track of their employees.
crud_ekstrakurikuler_pwpb Public
Zefoy-Automation Public
Forked from sandrocods/Zefoy-AutomationAutomation does not require Selenium or any other browser to be interface with Zefoy Web
Python UpdatedSep 16, 2022