blog-tutorials Public
Forked from rieckpil/blog-tutorials⭐ Codebase for the tutorials on my blog about Java, Spring Boot, AWS, Kotlin, Testing
Java MIT License UpdatedDec 9, 2020 -
secured-example Public
Forked from snowdrop/secured-exampleQuickstart to expose a REST Greeting endpoint using Spring Boot & Secured by Red Hat SSO
XSLT Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 7, 2020 -
kafka-rest Public
Forked from confluentinc/kafka-restConfluent REST Proxy for Kafka
Java Other UpdatedNov 12, 2020 -
keycloak-spring-boot-rest-example Public
Forked from claudioaltamura/keycloak-spring-boot-rest-exampleKeycloak Spring Boot REST example
Java MIT License UpdatedOct 28, 2020 -
algorithm_code_by_java Public
Forked from Jeongfeel/algorithm_code_by_javaSW Expert Academy problem
Java UpdatedSep 24, 2020 -
spring-boot-keycloak-graphql-demo Public
Forked from thomasdarimont/spring-boot-keycloak-graphql-demoExample for securing a Spring Boot based GraphQL app with Keycloak
Java UpdatedSep 23, 2020 -
keycloak-spring-boot-Rest-API Public
Forked from kamelromdhani/keycloak-spring-boot-Rest-APIA keycloak spring-boot example to secure a REST API using bearer-only
Java UpdatedSep 15, 2020 -
Polyglot-Chess-Game Public
Forked from faviansamatha/Polyglot-Chess-GameChess Game implemented with 3 programming languages (Javascript, Python, and C++)
C++ UpdatedAug 15, 2020 -
LoanManagement_Backend Public
Forked from ssundarraj4/LoanManagement_BackendJava UpdatedAug 12, 2020 -
java-maven-calculator-web-app Public
Forked from maping/java-maven-calculator-web-appA Java calculator web app, build by Maven, CI/CD by Jenkins.
Java UpdatedAug 11, 2020 -
spring-boot-sample-app Public
Forked from Romeh/spring-boot-sample-appSample app generated from my spring boot archtype on :https://github.com/Romeh/spring-boot-quickstart-archtype
Java UpdatedAug 10, 2020 -
KonyTravel Public
Forked from adityatagat/KonyTravelKony Travel App - Kony Quantum Training
JavaScript UpdatedJul 19, 2020 -
pdf2json Public
Forked from modesty/pdf2jsonA PDF file parser that converts PDF binaries to text based JSON, powered by a fork of PDF.JS
Java Other UpdatedJul 17, 2020 -
spring-cloud-sidecar-polygot Public
Forked from BarathArivazhagan/spring-cloud-sidecar-polygotThis project contains samples demonstrating the usage of side car polygot
Java UpdatedJul 16, 2020 -
Forked from Tarushi56/TY_CAPGEMINI_JAVACloud_10thFEB_TARUSHIVERMARoff UpdatedJul 2, 2020 -
payday Public
Forked from mrduyu/paydayDocker-Kafka-MongoDB-SpringBoot-Microservices
Java UpdatedJun 28, 2020 -
production-ready-microservices-starter Public
Forked from mmahmoodictbd/production-ready-microservices-starterProduction Ready Microservices Starter gonna give you basic microservices which are common in all businesses. Best thing is - all microservices are multitenant.
Java MIT License UpdatedJun 25, 2020 -
Spring Boot REST API + Keycloak (Authorization Code Flow)
Java UpdatedJun 25, 2020 -
Kafka-zk-restapi Public
Forked from gnuhpc/Kafka-zk-restapiKafka Zookeeper RESTful API to perform topic/consumer group administration/metric(offset\lag\message) collection and monitor
Java UpdatedJun 16, 2020 -
LinkTech Public
Forked from DamienDoumer/LinkTechLinkedIn Like social network in Spring Boot and Angular
Java UpdatedJun 7, 2020 -
Intelligent-Product-Recommendation-in-Grocery-Detail Public
Forked from atanu151/Intelligent-Product-Recommendation-in-Grocery-DetailAll ecommerce websites today focus widely on customer satisfaction and shopping experience; product recommendation plays an important role in generating revenue for ecommerce platforms. Product rec…
R UpdatedJun 4, 2020 -
maven-code-quality-pom Public
Forked from gregswindle/maven-code-quality-pomEnforce and report code quality with JUnit, JaCoCo, Hamcrest, FindBugs, PMD, CodeNarc, Checkstyle (Google), Enforcer, Duplicate-Finder, JDepend, and more with this Maven POM.
Java MIT License UpdatedJun 1, 2020