gatsby-starter-minimal-blog Public
Typography driven, feature-rich blogging theme with minimal aesthetics. Includes tags/categories support and extensive features for code blocks such as live preview, line numbers, and line highligh…
makeav Public
Create videos from images and audio files
docker-nginx-php7-mysql Public
Forked from andregugliotti/docker-nginx-php7-mysqlDocker container with nginx + PHP 7.1 + MySQL
jScrollPane Public
Forked from vitch/jScrollPanePretty, customisable, cross browser replacement scrollbars
circleci-demo-php-laravel Public
Forked from CircleCI-Public/sample-php-laravel -
circleci-docs Public
Forked from circleci/circleci-docsDocumentation for CircleCI.
markdown-folder-to-html Public
Forked from joakin/markdown-folder-to-htmlConvert a folder with files and markdown documents to an HTML site
fusebox-test Public
Fusebox test based on: https://www.sitepoint.com/fusebox-faster-webpack-alternative/
jquery-bgswitcher Public
Forked from rewish/jquery-bgswitcherSwitch the background-image with using effect.
recaptcha Public
Forked from google/recaptchareCAPTCHA is a free service to protect your website from spam and abuse.
jquery-humanizedFont Public
a jquery plugin to give your text a little character.
geoInput Public
Geolocation input type for html forms. jQuery plugin. Requires on Google Maps v3 API
find-a-word Public
javascript word finder game - Long Island University psychology experiment
jquery_lazyload Public
Forked from tuupola/lazyloadjQuery plugin for lazy loading images
Airport-Distance Public
Calculate the Distance Between any Two US Airports
angular-ivh-treeview Public
Forked from iVantage/angular-ivh-treeviewA treeview for AngularJS with filtering and checkbox support.
angular-loading-bar Public
Forked from chieffancypants/angular-loading-barA fully automatic loading / progress bar for your angular apps.
angular-bootstrap-lightbox Public
Forked from compact/angular-bootstrap-lightboxAn AngularJS lightbox built using UI Bootstrap Modal.
fmangular Public
Forked from Tekserve/fmangularFileMaker tools for Angular
Urban-Density Public
Calculate and Display Global Urban Density Statistics