- Node.js
- TypeScript
- MongoDB + Mongoose
- Nestjs + Fastify + TS-rest (for frontend sdk)
- GrammY
- S3 compatible storage
Prepared to deploy on DigitalOcean App Platform.
npm install
cp .env.template .env
ENV - local, dev, prod
SERVER_URL - url to build webhook url
TG_BOT_TOKEN - telegram bot token
TG_MINI_APP_URL - url to build mini app urls
CRYPTO_BOT_TOKEN - crypto bot token
CRYPTO_BOT_API_URL - crypto bot api url
MONGO_URL - mongo url
MONGO_DB - mongo db name
BOT_MAIN_IMAGE_BIG - url to image for start message
BOT_MAIN_IMAGE_INLINE - url to image for inline message
FILE_STORAGE_PATH - path to store files
DO_SPACES_KEY - DigitalOcean Spaces key
DO_SPACES_SECRET - DigitalOcean Spaces secret
DO_SPACE_ENDPOINT - DigitalOcean Spaces endpoint
DO_SPACE_BUCKET - DigitalOcean Spaces bucket
CDN_URL - url to store user photos
NO_PHOTO_PLACEHOLDER_URL - url to placeholder image
MongoDB start using testcontainers.
npm run test
MongoDB must be running.
npm run start:prod
sdk/package/package.json must be updated with repository settings.
npm run build:sdk
Telegram initData validation can not be imported from @telegram-apps/init-data-node because it is not compatible with ESM.
No routines for overbooking.
checkSignature for crypto bot webhook doesn't work as expected from the docs.