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AL4PDE: A Benchmark for Active Learning for Neural PDE Solvers


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AL4PDE: A Benchmark for Active Learning for Neural PDE Solvers

This repository contains the code for the paper Active Learning for Neural PDE Solvers (AL4PDE), introducing a modular and extensible active learning benchmark for time-dependent parametric PDE solving and comprises active learning algorithms, numerical solvers of parametric PDEs, and state-of-the-art neural PDE solvers.

Active Learn Architecture



conda config --set channel_priority flexible
conda env create -n al4pde -f environment.yml

Alternative step-by-step installation

# install mamba; if you already have it, skip this
wget -c

# create a mamba env for the project
mamba create -n al4pde python=3.10
mamba activate al4pde
mamba install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
mamba install jaxlib=*=*cuda* jax cuda-nvcc -c conda-forge -c nvidia
# if the above jaxlib installation fails, try either of the below commands
pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda12_pip]" -f
pip install

pip install matplotlib seaborn submitit hydra-core wandb h5py pyvista bmdal_reg lightning # otherwise matplotlib wants to downgrade jax to cpu
pip install hydra-submitit-launcher --upgrade

mamba  install -c conda-forge tensordict seaborn

# install jax-cfd-0.2.0 locally
git clone
cd jax-cfd
git checkout -b new_branch d215f13
pip install -e ".[complete]"

# install pdearena and associated packages
git clone
cd pdearena
pip install -e .
pip install -e ".[datagen]"

pip install "cliffordlayers @ git+"

Running Experiments

Before running any experiments, the ground truth data has to be generated using gen_data. The option task.use_test=True lets the evaluation switch to the test data for the final evaluation.

# add your user info for wandb
wandb login    # authenticate using your API key by grabbing it from

# first, generate data
python -m scripts.gen_data --m task=burgers,ks_l_v_ic,2d_ns_rand,ce_no_forcing hydra=submitit

# then, run active learning
python -m scripts.al_submitit --m +experiment=ks  +experiment/sub_exp=power

Paper experiments

All the different experiments from the paper have their own config file. To reproduce the main experiments:

# Or experiment=ce_no_forcing/burgers/2dcfd
# Or sub_exp=random/ll_mean(LCMD)/maxdist_ll_mean(Coreset)/topk
python -m scripts.al_submitit --m +experiment=ks  +experiment/sub_exp=power seed=0,1,2,3,4

For Burgers, seeds 0-9 were used.

Configuring Experiments

We use hydra to configure all experiments. The 'config' folder contains the modular configuration, which represents the code structure.

  • 'main.yaml': contains the starting point of the configuration.
  • experiment: contains the changes to the defaults for a specific experiment from the paper
  • sub_exp: contains the changes to the defaults for a specific method

To add a new experiment, it is the easiest to add a new file in experiment, and then call it using the example code above (replace ks_val in the example with the name of the new config file).

Framework Overview

AL4PDE consists of three main parts: the PDE and simulator specific information in Task, the neural PDE solver and finally the AL algorithms themselves.

Simulator and input generation:

  • Task
    • Contains all PDE specific information
    • Keeps PDEParamGenerator, ICGenerator and Simulator
  • PDEParamGenerator
    • Generates a batch of PDE parameters
  • ICGenerator
    • Generates a batch of ICs
  • Simulator
    • Evolves a batch of ICS and PDEParameters

Surrogate Training:

  • Model
    • Wraps the actual pytorch module
    • Provides interface for rollouts, forward, as well as train and test
  • ProbModel
    • Subclass of Model, adds interface for uncertainty estimates (unc_rollout)
  • Module
    • Contains the pytorch modules such as FNO

AL algorithms:

  • BatchSelection
    • Generates the next batch of samples using a Model and Task

How to add a new Model?

A new model can be added by deriving a subclass from the Model base class. In the simplest case, this can be done by implementing the call to the pytorch module in the forward() method (see ArenaWrapper). Alternatively, a different training procedure can be implemented by overwriting train_single_epoch().

How to add a new AL algorithm?

A new AL algorithm can be implemented by overwriting the BatchSelection class from the acquisition package. For pool-based methods, the class PoolBased can be overwritten, where a specific method can implement the select_next() method, which just has to return the index of the samples to select from the pool.

How to add a new PDE?

For a new PDE, a new subclass of Simulator has to be added, and the n_step_sim() method should be overwritten. In general, the PDEParamGenerator class can be configured to produce any simple, (log-) uniform distribution of PDE parameters. For a new IC generator, implement a subclass of the ICGenerator class. Here, the _initialize_ic_params() and generate_initial_conditions() methods have to be overwritten. All randomness should be contained in _initialize_ic_params() (for example sample the random amplitude in _initialize_ic_params(), and then transform them deterministically in generate_initial_conditions() to the true IC).

Publication and Citations

If you find our project useful, please cite using:

Active Learning for Neural PDE Solvers - D3S3@NeurIPS'2024, Vancouver
  author       = {Daniel Musekamp and
                  Marimuthu Kalimuthu and
                  David Holzm{\"{u}}ller and
                  Makoto Takamoto and
                  Mathias Niepert},
  title        = {Active Learning for Neural {PDE} Solvers},
  journal      = {CoRR},
  volume       = {abs/2408.01536},
  year         = {2024},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.48550/ARXIV.2408.01536},
  eprinttype    = {arXiv},
  eprint       = {2408.01536},


AL4PDE: A Benchmark for Active Learning for Neural PDE Solvers







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