The project source code for Hacking with iOS.
⭐️ Companies that don't have a broken hiring process
Downloads new lessons and series from laracasts if there are updates. Or the whole catalogue.
Demos for the Python web basics course for SoftUni May 2023
The new phonetic keyboard layout for mac OS
Docker Mastery with Django is an open-source initiative and tutorial series. Learn from a beginner level how to use Docker, compose and Kubernetes for django projects.
This repository contains my solutions for the tasks from the SoftUni course Python OOP - February 2023.
About In this repository there are solutions to tasks from the programming course of the software academy of SoftUni University
This repository contains my solutions for the tasks from the SoftUni course Programming Fundamentals with Python-September 2022.
Chess game. Good game to practice several OOP pilars and more.
Here you can excpect to find tasks from softuni with python, and video lessons!
[unofficial] podcast notable PyPI packages compilation
[WIP] A chrome extension to download and track Pluralsight courses. 😈
Chrome Extension: Easily download course video from pluralsight. Videos renamed and organized in folder.
A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
🧰 Adding common PHP extensions to some of the official PHP Docker images.
Dockerfile to build a PostgreSQL container image which can be linked to other containers.