The Tanzu Application Platform runs great on AWS. You can get up and running following the AWS Specific Installation Docs.
The docs provide some deployment optionality. It also references some external content for certain tasks. This repository follows those docs, presenting the actual commands I had executed to complete the installation. This plan assumes relocating images (cluster essentials, tap, and tbs-full-dependencies) to ECR. This adds over an hour to the process. If this is not required, consider alternative approaches.
- Installed eksctl through brew
- Needed to update the aws cli using command line installer -
Update the params.yaml file with your environment specific values and then setup shell variables.
cp local-config/params-REDACTED.yaml local-config/params.yaml
# Update params.yaml based upon your environment
export PARAMS_YAML=local-config/params.yaml
export AWS_REGION=$(yq e .aws.region $PARAMS_YAML)
export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(yq e .aws.account-id $PARAMS_YAML)
export EKS_CLUSTER_NAME=$(yq e .aws.eks-cluster-name $PARAMS_YAML)
export TAP_VERSION=$(yq e .tap.version $PARAMS_YAML)
export INSTALL_REPO=tap-images
export TANZUNET_USERNAME=$(yq e .tanzunet.username $PARAMS_YAML)
export TANZUNET_PASSWORD=$(yq e .tanzunet.password $PARAMS_YAML)
export INSTALL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=$(aws ecr get-login-password --region $AWS_REGION)
export CLUSTER_ESSENTIALS_INSTALL_BUNDLE_SHA256=54e516b5d088198558d23cababb3f907cd8073892cacfb2496bb9d66886efe15
export K8S_VERSION=$(yq e .aws.eks-k8s-version $PARAMS_YAML)
# --with-oidc flag ensures that an IAM OIDC provider is setup for the cluster. This is requried for CSI Driver. If you don't do this here, you
# woudl have to follow steps at
eksctl create cluster --name $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME --managed --region $AWS_REGION --instance-types t3.xlarge --version $K8S_VERSION --with-oidc -N 4
## Create's cluster specific IAM role for CSI
eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
--name ebs-csi-controller-sa \
--namespace kube-system \
--cluster $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME \
--attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy \
--approve \
--role-only \
--role-name AmazonEKS_EBS_CSI_DriverRole
# Create the add on referencing the role above
eksctl create addon --name aws-ebs-csi-driver --cluster $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME --service-account-role-arn arn:aws:iam::$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:role/AmazonEKS_EBS_CSI_DriverRole --force
# Validate the addon was created properly. Look at Status=ACTIVE and Issues=0. You might have to repeat a few times while it is creating
eksctl get addon --name aws-ebs-csi-driver --cluster $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME
# Test
git clone /tmp/aws-ebc-csi-driver
pushd /tmp/aws-ebc-csi-driver/examples/kubernetes/dynamic-provisioning/
# create PVC, Pod, SC
kubectl apply -f manifests/
kubectl describe storageclass ebs-sc
kubectl get pods
# whait until STATUS=Running
kubectl get pv
# wait until STATUS=Bound
kubectl describe pv $(kubectl get pv -ojsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl exec -it app -- cat /data/out.txt
# look for time stamps
kubectl delete -f manifests/
# TAP will dynamically push images to these repositories
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name tap-build-service --region $AWS_REGION --output json
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name tap-lsp --region $AWS_REGION --output json
# Images will be relocated to these reposibitores during the installation process
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name tap-images --region $AWS_REGION --output json
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name tbs-full-deps --region ${AWS_REGION} --output json
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name tanzu-cluster-essentials --region $AWS_REGION
# Create IAM Roles for TBS and Supply Chain to write images to tap-build-service and tanzu-application-platform repositories
pivnet download-product-files --product-slug='tanzu-cluster-essentials' --release-version='1.6.0' --product-file-id=1526700 -d /tmp/
rm -rf $HOME/tanzu-cluster-essentials && mkdir $HOME/tanzu-cluster-essentials
tar -xvf /tmp/tanzu-cluster-essentials-darwin-amd64-1.6.0.tgz -C $HOME/tanzu-cluster-essentials
# Login to ECR (12 hour access)
echo $INSTALL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$
# Login to Tanzu Net
echo $TANZUNET_PASSWORD | docker login --username $TANZUNET_USERNAME --password-stdin \
imgpkg copy \
--to-repo $INSTALL_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME/tanzu-cluster-essentials \
pushd $HOME/tanzu-cluster-essentials
./ --yes
Putting this step ahead of the EKS cluster create because it takes a long time to complete.
# Need to create ECR repositories before pushing images
imgpkg copy --concurrency 1 -b${TAP_VERSION} --to-repo ${INSTALL_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME}/${INSTALL_REPO} --include-non-distributable-layers
# The above command took 1.5 hours on my macbook and home internet. Consider continuing on through next several steps and then stopping an waiting to complete before
# Creating Tanzu Package Repository
Note: Ensure that the relocation of TAP images has completed before continuing.
kubectl create ns tap-install
tanzu package repository add tanzu-tap-repository \
--namespace tap-install
# Verification
tanzu package repository get tanzu-tap-repository --namespace tap-install
tanzu package available list --namespace tap-install
# Generate TAP Values, using mostly default values
# Install TAP (does not include TBS builders)
tanzu package install tap -p -v ${TAP_VERSION} --values-file generated/tap-values.yaml -n tap-install
# You will relocate tbs full dependency images here
# Relocate full dependency images to the ECR repository you created earlier \
imgpkg copy -b${TAP_VERSION} --to-repo ${INSTALL_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME}/tbs-full-deps
# The above command took 0.5 hours on my macbook and home internet
# Create package repo and install the dependency package
tanzu package repository add full-deps-repository --url ${INSTALL_REGISTRY_HOSTNAME}/tbs-full-deps:${TAP_VERSION} --namespace tap-install
tanzu package install full-deps -p -v "> 0.0.0" -n tap-install --values-file generated/tap-values.yaml
# wait until become ready
tanzu build-service clusterstack list
tanzu build-service clusterbuilder list
CNAME=$(kubectl get service envoy -n tanzu-system-ingress -oyaml | yq e .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname)
echo "TODO: Create Route53 CNAME record for *."$(yq e .tap.ingress-domain $PARAMS_YAML)" pointing to $CNAME"
# Wait a minute to allow the record to propagate
open https://tap-gui.$(yq e .tap.ingress-domain $PARAMS_YAML)
kubectl label namespace $DEV_NAMESPACE""
# First Create ECR Repositories
./scripts/ tanzu-java-web-app
Follow Getting Started
- Workload Role is only granted on the default service account within default namespace. Would need to update this, if you are to create other developer namespaces
# Delete EKS Cluster
eksctl delete cluster tap-on-aws
# Remove ECR repositories
aws ecr delete-repository --repository-name tanzu-application-platform/tanzu-java-web-app-default --force --region $AWS_REGION
aws ecr delete-repository --repository-name tanzu-application-platform/tanzu-java-web-app-default-bundle --force --region $AWS_REGION
aws ecr delete-repository --repository-name tap-images --force --region $AWS_REGION
aws ecr delete-repository --repository-name tap-build-service --force --region $AWS_REGION
aws ecr delete-repository --repository-name tanzu-cluster-essentials --force --region $AWS_REGION
aws ecr delete-repository --repository-name tbs-full-deps --force --region $AWS_REGION
aws ecr delete-repository --repository-name tap-lsp --force --region $AWS_REGION
# Remove IAM Roles
aws iam delete-role-policy --role-name tap-build-service --policy-name tapBuildServicePolicy
aws iam delete-role --role-name tap-build-service
aws iam delete-role-policy --role-name tap-workload --policy-name tapWorkload
aws iam delete-role --role-name tap-workload
aws iam delete-role-policy --role-name tap-local-source-proxy --policy-name tapLocalSourcePolicy
aws iam delete-role --role-name tap-local-source-proxy
# Following is not necessary if you already deleted the eks clsuter
aws iam detach-role-policy --role-name AmazonEKS_EBS_CSI_DriverRole --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy
aws iam delete-role --role-name AmazonEKS_EBS_CSI_DriverRole
# Delete CNAME in registrar
echo "*." + $(yq e .tap.ingress-domain $PARAMS_YAML)