ActionBarSherlock Public
Forked from JakeWharton/ActionBarSherlockLibrary for implementing the action bar design pattern using the native action bar on Android 4.0+ and a custom implementation on pre-4.0 through a single API and theme.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 3, 2013 -
android-menudrawer Public
Forked from SimonVT/android-menudrawerA slide-out menu implementation, which allows users to navigate between views in your app.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 2, 2013 -
weiciyuan Public
Forked from qii/weiciyuanSina Weibo Android Client
Java GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedApr 30, 2013 -
android-app Public
Forked from eoecn/android-appeoe的Android客户端源码
Java GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedApr 27, 2013 -
android-async-http Public
Forked from android-async-http/android-async-httpAn Asynchronous HTTP Library for Android
Java UpdatedApr 22, 2013 -
facebook-android-sdk Public
Forked from facebook/facebook-android-sdkFacebook SDK for Android
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 20, 2013 -
Android-ViewPagerIndicator Public
Forked from JakeWharton/ViewPagerIndicatorPaging indicator widgets compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library and ActionBarSherlock. Originally based on Patrik Åkerfeldt's ViewFlow.
Java UpdatedMar 2, 2013 -
android-viewflow Public
Forked from pakerfeldt/android-viewflowA horizontal view scroller library for Android
Java UpdatedFeb 9, 2013 -
Android-PullToRefresh Public
Forked from chrisbanes/Android-PullToRefreshImplementation of the Pull-to-Refresh UI Pattern for Android
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 2, 2013 -
android-app-1 Public
Forked from oschina/android-appOSCHINA 的 Android 客户端源码,可在 Google Play 或者国内几个应用市场上搜索“开源中国”来安装此app
Java GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedJan 17, 2013 -
android-actionbar Public
Forked from johannilsson/android-actionbarAndroid Action Bar Implementation
Java UpdatedJan 14, 2013 -
Android-Universal-Image-Loader Public
Forked from tisa007/Android-Universal-Image-LoaderThis project aims to provide a reusable instrument for asynchronous image loading, caching and displaying.
Java Other UpdatedSep 21, 2012