A small set of Python functions to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data. Based on osmnx, matplotlib and shapely libraries.
Learn WebAssembly by writing small programs!
Audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
A curated list of awesome PICO-8 resources, carts, tools and more
eBook server supporting ePub, MOBI and PDF books.
1kB-ish JavaScript framework for building hypertext applications
Primitive React Interfaces Across Targets
📦 🚀 TypeScript boilerplate for WhitestormJS using react/redux ⚛
Quickly switch to a file with a different extension in VSCode
Header-source switch for VS code
Javascript port of
A description of React's new core algorithm, React Fiber
A step by step guide of how to start contracting in United Kingdom
A functional tool-belt for Swift Language similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore.js in Javascript
JavaScript library for all kinds of color manipulations
Chisel is a collection of LLDB commands to assist debugging iOS apps.
Reorderable drag-and-drop lists for modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery or framework required.
Javascript HTTP Live Streaming realtime converter and player
Rip discs automatically using a blend of Python, MakeMKV and HandBrake
This is a repository for collecting global custom management extensions for the Django Framework.
django based mini framework inspired from sinatra. fully compatible with django.
Honcho: a python clone of Foreman. For managing Procfile-based applications.