The best HTTP Static File Server, write with golang+vue
A purely bash web server, no socat, netcat, etc...
A collaboratively curated list of awesome Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Resources
color-icon-matrix barcodes. Proof of concept implementation.
Fast, correct Python JSON library supporting dataclasses, datetimes, and numpy
Extensible memoizing collections and decorators
Efficiently-updatable double-array trie in Rust (ported from cedar)
“连续八年成为全世界最受喜爱的语言,无 GC 也无需手动内存管理、极高的性能和安全性、过程/OO/函数式编程、优秀的包管理、JS 未来基石" — 工作之余的第二语言来试试 Rust 吧。本书拥有全面且深入的讲解、生动贴切的示例、德芙般丝滑的内容,这可能是目前最用心的 Rust 中文学习教程 / Book
Rust 实现的DNS透传服务,并带优选和广告过滤。类似smartdns, 但要比它简单。只实现 个人使用过程中最常用最核心的功能,一切以实用为主。
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liuzhuoling2011 / BaiduPCS-Go
Forked from Angey40/BaiduPCS-Go百度网盘客户端 - Go语言编写
The PoC files for ethereum client's JSON-RPC DNS Rebinding
groupcache is a caching and cache-filling library, intended as a replacement for memcached in many cases.
Go Solution for LeetCode algorithms problems, 100% coverage.
✏️ 算法相关知识储备 LeetCode with Python and JavaScript 📚
Python binding of cedar (implementation of efficiently-updatable double-array trie) using Cython
A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
A tool that provides a basic SQL-frontend to PCAP-files