The iTheme service lets you create themes for Apps online. Here is a Framework that plugs into the iTheme API.
- API API Structure
- Response Response Format
- Framework Ready to use Framework
- Samples Ready to use Samples
Quick Overview
Returns a themeGET
Returns a themeGET
Returns a collection of themes for the APPIDHEAD
Get's the headers for a themeHEAD
Get's the headers for a theme
Getting a theme by Short Code:
curl -X GET
Possible response codes
POST 5000
Not SupportedGET 5103
FailedGET 5104
SuccessGET 5105
Theme not FoundPUT 5200
Not SupportedDELETE 5300
Not Supported
Getting a theme by ThemeId:
curl -X GET
Returns a theme
Possible response codes
POST 4000
Not SupportedGET 4103
FailedGET 4104
SuccessGET 4105
Theme not FoundPUT 4200
Not SupportedDELETE 4300
Not Supported
Getting themes for an AppId
curl -X GET
Returns a collection of themes for the APPID
Possible response codes
POST 8000
Not SupportedGET 8103
FailedGET 8104
SuccessPUT 8200
Not SupportedDELETE 8300
Not Supported
Getting the theme headers
curl --head
Returns HEADERS only of a theme, useful for getting the last edit date of the theme.curl --head
Returns HEADERS only of a theme, useful for getting the last edit date of the theme.
iTheme currently returns data in JSON format.
All JSON responses have the following structure.
"code": Integer
"message": "action status",
"proposal": "proposed action"
"body": JSON_BLOCK
Cut down for brevity
"response": {
"body": {
"description": "DESCRIPTION",
"app": {
"name": "APP_TITLE",
"appId": "APP_ID"
"private": false,
"shortCode": "SHORTCODE",
"name": "THEME_TITLE",
"themeId": "THEME_ID",
"createDate": "2012-08-05 19:51:29",
"author": {
"username": "CREATOR_USERNAME"
"lastEditDate": "2012-08-06 19:37:07",
"controls": [
"description": "Home Background",
"name": "home_bg.png",
"assetId": "ASSET_ID",
"requiresImmediateDownload": true,
"fileName": "home_bg-hd.png",
"assetUrl": "URL_TO_ASSET",
"text": "",
"externalUrl": "",
"description": "game bg",
"name": "bg",
"assetId": "ASSET_ID",
"requiresImmediateDownload": true,
"fileName": "bg-hd.png",
"assetUrl": "URL_TO_ASSET",
"text": "",
"externalUrl": "",
live": true
"header": {
"message": "",
"proposal": ""
"code": 5104
iTheme does not ship with a JSON Parser, but it does require one to function, there are so many great ones out there already, you can simply plugin.
#import < iThemeFramework/ThemeFramework.h >
[[ThemeFramework instance] init:@"---your---app---key---"];
[ThemeFramework instance].Delegate = self;
[ThemeFramework instance].JSONToDictionary = @selector(convertJSONToDictionary:);
[ThemeFramework instance].DictionaryToJSON = @selector(convertDictionaryToJSON:);
// This example uses the JSONKit framework:
- (NSDictionary *)convertJSONToDictionary:(NSString *)json
return [json mutableObjectFromJSONString];
- (NSString *)convertDictionaryToJSON:(NSDictionary *)dictionary
return [dictionary JSONString];
When Browsing for Themes, please implement the UIViewController< ThemeFrameworkDelegate > Protocol like so:
- (void)browseCallback:(NSArray *)themes cursor:(NSString *)cursor;
- (void)browseFailedCallback:(NSError *)error;
Then, use the following code
- (void)init
[[ThemeFramework instance] browseThemes:self limit:10];
- (void)browseCallback:(NSArray *)themes cursor:(NSString *)theCursor
//theCursor is a key to the next set of records,
//themes is an array of Theme Objects
- (void)browseFailedCallback:(NSError *)error
// Process error
NSString *errorText = [error localizedDescription];
// Get next themes
- (void)getNextThemes:(NSString *)cursor
[[ThemeFramework instance] browseThemes:self limit:10 cursor:cursor];
- (void)init
[[ThemeFramework instance] downloadThemeByShortCode:@"----the----short----code----"
- (void)success:(Theme *)theme
if (theme == nil)
[[ThemeFramework instance] setCurrentTheme:theme];
- (void)failure:(NSError *)err
NSLog([err localizedDescription]);
- (void)progress:(Progress *)progress
float p = progress.percentage/100;
- (void)init
[[ThemeFramework instance] downloadThemeByThemeId:@"----the----theme----id----"
- (void)success:(Theme *)theme
if (theme == nil)
[[ThemeFramework instance] setCurrentTheme:theme];
- (void)failure:(NSError *)err
NSLog([err localizedDescription]);
- (void)progress:(Progress *)progress
float p = progress.percentage/100;
Once you have downloaded and set the Theme for your App, you can start changing the way your app looks. Here are some examples:
Theme* currentTheme = [[ThemeFramework instance] CurrentTheme];
if (currentTheme == nil)
//Set background image, by key name
self.background.image = [self returnUIImage:currentTheme keyName:@"shortCodeBG"];
//Cocos2d example using the fileName as the key
CCSprite *loadingBar = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:[self iThemePathToFile:@"loadingBar.png"]];
// Very basic method to find the correct file,
// will pick a themed file if enabled & found
- (NSString *)iThemePathToFile:(NSString *)filePath
if ([ThemeFramework instance].FrameworkEnabled)
Theme *theme = [[ThemeFramework instance] CurrentTheme];
if (theme != nil)
NSString *themePath = [theme getPathToThemeAsset:filePath];
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:themePath])
return themePath;
return [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:filePath ofType:nil];
// Could implement some caching here.
- (UIImage *)returnUIImage:(Theme *)theme keyName:(NSString *)keyName
NSString *imagePath = [theme pathToDataFileForKey:keyName];
if (imagePath != nil)
return [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:imagePath];
return nil;