Quickly search words incrementally in workspace using the quick silver.
commands | description |
quickSearcher.search | display incremental search input box. (preset selection if exists.) |
quickSearcher.searchInFolder | same as quickSearcher.search but in selected folder. (context menu only) |
configurations | description |
quickSearcher.searchBySelection.enabled | set to enable start searching by selection |
quickSearcher.incrementalSearch.enabled | set to enable incremenatal search or not |
quickSearcher.incrementalSearch.startBy | set to limit character length for staring incremenatal search |
quickSearcher.incrementalSearch.delayMs | set to delay start searching |
quickSearcher.searchItem.labelLength | set to limit length of searched words as label |
quickSearcher.searchItem.expanded | set to expand searched items |
the_silver_searcher is necessary