Discord-Bot Public
Discord C#/.NET Bot
bootstrap-sass Public
Forked from twbs/bootstrap-sassOfficial Sass port of Bootstrap 2 and 3.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMar 1, 2017 -
FCAlertView Public
Forked from nimati/FCAlertViewFCAlertView is a Flat Customizable AlertView for iOS (Objective C)
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedDec 10, 2016 -
nativefier Public
Forked from nativefier/nativefierMake any web page a desktop application
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 14, 2016 -
PHPMailer Public
Forked from PHPMailer/PHPMailerThe classic email sending library for PHP
PHP GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 UpdatedNov 11, 2016 -
animate.css Public
Forked from animate-css/animate.cssA cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
CSS MIT License UpdatedOct 30, 2016 -
WOW Public
Forked from matthieua/WOWReveal CSS animation as you scroll down a page
JavaScript UpdatedOct 13, 2016 -
pokemongo-api-demo Public
Forked from leegao/pokemongo-api-demoPokemon Go API Demo
Python UpdatedJul 22, 2016 -
StickySocialBar Public
Forked from hasinhayder/StickySocialBarSticky social networking bar with css3 transitions
HTML UpdatedJul 23, 2013