A fast & lightweight polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries (for IE 6-8, and more)
This script is the defacto way to enable use of HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy Internet Explorer.
一款简约风格的 flutter 天气项目,提供实时、多日、24 小时、台风路径以及生活指数等服务,支持定位、删除、搜索等操作。
A Full-Featured Mobile and Desktop Browser App (such as the Google Chrome mobile browser) created using Flutter and the features offered by the flutter_inappwebview plugin.
CcXiaoYu / canvas-special
Forked from bxm0927/canvas-special
👽🌟超多经典 canvas 实例,动态离子背景、移动炫彩小球、贪吃蛇、坦克大战、是男人就下100层、心形文字等等等
The Best Airplay SDK supports Airplay Mirroring and AirPlay Casting to a receiver device.
written by JavaScript. Convert HTML to Markdown.(将HTML转换为Markdown)
mPaaS Demo 合集,mPaaS 是源自于支付宝的移动开发平台。The collection of demos for mPaaS components. mPaaS is the Mobile Development Platform which oriented from Alipay.
基于 vue 和 heyui 组件库的中后端系统
HTML/CSS drawing in the style of an 18th-century oil painting. Hand-coded entirely in HTML & CSS.
103976个英语单词库(sql版,csv版,Excel版)包含英文单词,中文翻译,单词的词性及多种词义,执行SQL语句就可以生成表,支持SQL Server,MySQL等多种数据库