donks122 / mojo
Forked from mojolicious/mojoMojolicious - Perl real-time web framework
A component for flip animation on Android, which is similar to the effect in Flipboard iPhone/Android
Downloading and extracting on the fly Remote tar.gz files in Android
donks122 / pmver
Forked from gvenkat/pmverA quick commandline tool for displaying version current installed Perl Module
donks122 / gbranch
Forked from gvenkat/gbranchA quick utility to create remote branches in git and check them out into a local branch
donks122 / vimstuff
Forked from gvenkat/vimstuffJust my lame vimrc, *Work in progress*
A consise quick reference for some of the most used commands
donks122 / JSON-HPack
Forked from gvenkat/JSON-HPackA Perl implementation of JSON hpack
A Simple Daemon Framework like cron implemented using perl and mysql
Nested Set implementation using mysql stored procedures
A quick utility to create remote branches in git and check them out into a local branch
A quick commandline tool for displaying version current installed Perl Module
The easiest way to write web applications with Perl (Perl web micro-framework)