An implementation of Emergence of Grounded Compositional Language in Multi-Agent Populations by Igor Mordatch and Pieter Abbeel
To run, invoke python3
in environment with PyTorch installed. To experiment with parameters, invoke python3 --help
to get a list of command line arguments that modify parameters. Currently training just prints out the loss of each game episode run, without any further analysis, and the model weights are not saved at the end. These features are coming soon.
provides a non-tensor based implementation of the game mechanics (used for game behavior exploration and random game generation during
provides the full computational model including agent and game dynamics through an entire
provides the training harness that runs many games and trains the
provides the data structures that are passed as configuration to various modules in the computational graph as well as the default values used in training
provides constant factors that shouldn't need modification during regular running of the
provides a computational graph visualization tool taken from
provides a simple model that doesn't communicate and only moves based on its own goal (used for testing other components)comp-graph.pdf
is a pdf visualization of the computational graph of the game-agent mechanics
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