USA Tax calculation extension for Spree using Tax Cloud service .
Based on the work of Chris Mar and Drew Tempelmeyer.
Create an account with TaxCloud:
…and get an api_login_id and api_key.
Run below to install migrations:
bundle exec rails g spree_tax_cloud:install
Go to configurations, then on left side of page will be a link for TaxCloud settings. Enter your login, api_id, product tic, shipping tic, and business address.
At this time spree_tax_cloud does not handle multiple tax category tic’s.
Capture and authorize are performed in ‘capture’.
Verify address is implemented for Spree 2+.
Request spec to ensure integration works throughout checkout process. Lookup tax per shipment in order to properly lookup tax from actual stock location rather than the default. Integrate multiple tax categories.
Spree Tax Cloud Copyright © by Jerrold R Thompson (@jet) released under the ‘new’ BSD license.