Web front-end and API wrappers for the wikintersection application
This is a web client application which adds a more useful UI to the http://www.github.com/dotloadmovie/wikintersection application. It exposes a JSON API for the application using the Echo web framework and a small React SPA using Create React App to deliver to the user.
This builds the site as a developer-ready experience on two IPs (one for FE, one for platform)
Windows, OS X & Linux - API and wrappers
go get
go build main.go -o wikintersection.go
Windows, OS X and Linux - Front-end
cd ui/wikintersect
npm install
npm start
This assembles the server as a static site, ready for deployment
OSX and Linux
go get
sh build.sh
CRA will start the front-end on a local IP address. Navigate here and then add some queries. Absolutely no guarantees of rightness are given here
- Redux support in UI
- Exclusion of Wikipedia meta-articles
- Proper config object use
- Initial working version
Dave Tickle – [email protected]
Distributed under the Unlicense license. See UNLICENSE.txt
for more information.
Feel free to fork and play around. This is really a learning application for me though so is subject to change on a whim. Could be a WASM version coming soon; who knows?