BitTensor is a high-performance, easy-to-use tensor library designed for machine learning applications. It provides a comprehensive set of operations, including arithmetic operations, matrix manipulations, and automatic differentiation, making it ideal for building and training neural networks.
- High-Performance Tensor Operations: Utilize unsafe code for critical sections to enhance performance.
- Automatic Differentiation: Support for gradients computation for backpropagation.
- Model Building Framework: Easily define and stack neural network layers with
. - Support for Broadcasting and Aggregation: Perform operations on tensors of different shapes efficiently.
- Customizable: Define complex operations and custom gradients with support for custom forward and backward functions.
Currently, BitTensor is available as a source code repository. Clone the repository to get started:
git clone
Here's a quick example to get you started with BitTensor:
- Create new context
- Allocate the tensor and create graph nodes
- Perform the calculation
using var context = CudaContext.CreateDefault();
var a = context.cuRAND.Uniform([3, 4]).AsNode(context);
var b = context.cuRAND.Uniform([4, 5]).AsNode(context);
var c = Ops.MatMul(a, b);
// c:
// t0 = MatMul`1(t1, t2)
// t2 = CudaVariable`1
// t1 = CudaVariable`1
// c(3,5) =
// [[ 1.272 1.617 0.944 1.314 1.615 ]
// [ 1.434 1.382 0.651 1.362 1.589 ]
// [ 1.266 1.098 0.868 1.021 1.359 ]]
var trainImages = MNIST.ReadImages(@"train-images.idx3-ubyte");
var trainLabels = MNIST.ReadLabels(@"train-labels.idx1-ubyte");
const int batchSize = 2048;
const int inputCount = 28 * 28;
const int hiddenCount = 512;
const int outputCount = 10;
using var context = CudaContext.CreateDefault();
var model = Model.Create(
new Flatten<float>(context),
new Linear(context, inputCount, hiddenCount, Activation.ReLU(0.1f)),
new Linear(context, hiddenCount, outputCount, Activation.Softmax)
var trainer = Model.Compile(model, Loss.CrossEntropy, trainImages, trainLabels, batchSize);
trainer.Fit(lr: 5e-3f, epochs: 50, trace: true);
BitTensor is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.