node-cache Public
Forked from node-cache/node-cachea node internal (in-memory) caching module
CoffeeScript MIT License UpdatedApr 25, 2022 -
typescript-rest Public
Forked from thiagobustamante/typescript-restThis is a lightweight annotation-based expressjs extension for typescript.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedOct 31, 2019 -
oclif.github.io Public
Forked from oclif/oclif.github.iodocs for oclif
CSS BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 20, 2019 -
ng2-charts Public
Forked from valor-software/ng2-chartsBeautiful charts for Angular based on Chart.js
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMar 22, 2019 -
ngx-stripe Public
Forked from richnologies/ngx-stripeAngular 2+ wrapper for StripeJS
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMar 7, 2019 -
building-a-parallax-scrolling-effect-component-with-vue Public
Forked from maoberlehner/building-a-parallax-scrolling-effect-component-with-vueThis is an example project for the following article: https://markus.oberlehner.net/blog/building-a-parallax-scrolling-effect-component-with-vue/
Vue UpdatedNov 30, 2018 -
vex-hugo Public
Forked from themefisher/vex-hugoVex product landing page template (Hugo version)
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 11, 2018 -
arena Public
Forked from bee-queue/arenaAn interactive UI dashboard for Bee Queue
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 26, 2018 -
DefinitelyTyped Public
Forked from DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTypedThe repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
TypeScript Other UpdatedMay 26, 2018 -
parsers Public
Forked from serialport/utilitiesWorking with streams of binary data can be hard, this is a collection of projects that make it easier.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 18, 2018 -
typescript-rest-swagger Public
Forked from thiagobustamante/typescript-rest-swaggerSwagger tools for typescript-rest
TypeScript UpdatedMar 21, 2018 -
Toolkit for building command line interfaces
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 14, 2017 -
node-pkginfo Public
Forked from indexzero/node-pkginfoAn easy way to expose properties on a module from a package.json
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 12, 2017 -
node-elementtree Public
Forked from jbpros/node-elementtreePort of Python's Element Tree module to Node.js
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 24, 2017 -
webpack Public
Forked from vuejs-templates/webpackA full-featured Webpack + vue-loader setup with hot reload, linting, testing & css extraction.
JavaScript UpdatedJan 2, 2017 -
strolch-app Public
kita contact manager and more, made with meteor
primus-responder Public
Forked from swissmanu/primus-responderRequest-Response ortiented communication for websockets with Primus.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 17, 2016 -
npm-lodash Public
Forked from typed-typings/npm-lodashThe type definition for https://github.com/lodash/lodash
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedJul 1, 2016 -
WakaTimeCLI Public
Forked from loris/WakaTimeCLISee your WakaTime report directly in the terminal
TypeScript UpdatedJun 28, 2016 -
jekyll.jkarger.de Public
Forked from punker76/jekyll.jkarger.deMy simple private blog
CSS UpdatedJan 22, 2016 -
bistre Public
Forked from hughsk/bistreA command-line tool and module for printing colourful bole logs.
JavaScript Other UpdatedJan 5, 2016 -
inliner Public
Forked from remy/inlinerNode utility to inline images, CSS and JavaScript for a web page - useful for mobile sites
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 26, 2015 -
harpjs.com Public
Forked from harp/harpjs.comThe website for Harp, the static web server with built-in preprocessing.
CSS UpdatedNov 11, 2015