Simple Theorem Prover, an efficient SMT solver for bitvectors
Tactics for discharging Lean goals into SMT solvers.
Python library for monomial agnostic vanishing ideal computation
Official code for "Learning to compute Gröbner bases" (NeurIPS 2024)
Refreshing automation for inductive equational proofs using e-graphs
Lean 4 kernel / 'external checker' written in Lean 4
Control Logic Synthesis: Drawing the Rest of the OWL
VSCode extension that is designed to help automate writing of Coq proofs.
A Lean formal proof of the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz
LLMs as Copilots for Theorem Proving in Lean
AMulet 2. - A better AIG Multiplier Examination Tool
Extracting Linear Relations from Gröbner Bases for Formal Verification of And-Inverter Graphs
Lecture notes for a course on writing proofs, on paper and in the Lean proof assistant
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Logical Verification (2025 edition) and associated materials
AlphaVerus: Formally Verified Code Generation through Self-Improving Translation and Treefinement
Tools for Recurrent Optimization via Machine Editing and related benchmarks
A (WIP) equality saturation tactic for Lean based on egg.