*********Please look here https://github.com/mkristian/dm-hibernate-adapter ***********
install maven3 (http://www.maven.apache.org/download.html)
setup the gems
mvn clean gem:initialize
run the eventlog - list
mvn ruby:jruby -Djruby.args="eventlog.rb list"
run the eventlog - store
mvn ruby:jruby -Dargs="eventlog.rb store something"
run the eventlog - store with rollback
mvn ruby:jruby -Dargs="eventlog.rb store_rollback something"
how to list rake tasks (please note the jruby.rake.args part(var name))
mvn ruby:jruby -Dargs="-S rake -T"
how to run specs?
AbstractAdapter specs:
mvn ruby:jruby -e -Djruby.verbose=true -Dargs="-S rake spec:adapter"
or mvn test -e -Djruby.verbose=true -Padapter
dm-core specs:
mvn ruby:jruby -e -Djruby.verbose=true -Dargs="-S rake spec:dm"
or mvn test -e -Djruby.verbose=true -Pdm
transient specs:
mvn ruby:jruby -e -Djruby.verbose=true -Dargs="-S rake spec:transient"
or mvn test -e -Djruby.verbose=true -Ptransient
you can switch the jruby version by adding to the above commands
start the server with mvn rails2:server and point your browser to http://localhost:3000/users or http://localhost:3000/maven.html