Code accompanying the manuscript "Constructions in combinatorics via neural networks" by A Z Wagner.
The following code allows you to optimize any score function on the space of graphs with a fixed number of vertices.
The algorithm learns to generate graphs with low proximity + distance eigenvalue,
as in Conjecture 2.3. in the paper.
Clone this repository as follows:
git clone
cd cross-entropy-for-combinatorics
Install conda on your system, and run
conda env create --file environment.yml
conda activate cross-entropy-for-combinatorics
Replace the score_graph
method in
with the function you want to maximize.
For example, to minimize the absolute ratio of the first and the last eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of a connected graph, put this in your
def score_graph(adjMatG, edgeListG, Gdeg):
Reward function. The arguments adjMatG, edgeListG, Gdeg are numpy arrays.
N = Gdeg.size
INF = 100000
_, conn = bfs(Gdeg,edgeListG)
if not conn:
return -INF
lambdas = np.flip(np.sort(np.linalg.eigvals(adjMatG)))
return -abs(lambdas[0]/lambdas[-1])
Check the parameters at the top of
, in particular the number of vertices N
Then run
Of course, this will just generate connected bipartite graphs after a few iterations.
If the generated graphs are not improving with regards to your score function, there are some straightforward directions to try:
Modify the parameters at the top of
. In particular, increasing thesuper_percentile
parameter forces more exploration, and decreasing theLEARNING_RATE
parameter can get you out of local optima. -
Use a more powerful model to parametrize the graph generation. See You et al., 2018 (it has code for the Graph RNN) or the permutation-equivariant Li et al., 2018.
Change the loss function. There is a variety of policy gradient algorithms to choose from.