npm i hmy-bridge-sdk --save
const { BridgeSDK, TOKEN, EXCHANGE_MODE, STATUS } = require('hmy-bridge-sdk');
const configs = require('hmy-bridge-sdk/lib/configs');
const bridgeSDK = new BridgeSDK({ logLevel: 0 });
await bridgeSDK.init(configs.testnet);
0 - logs disabled
1 - only errors and success
2 - full log (errors, succees, info, panding, waiting etc)
await bridgeSDK.addOneWallet('YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY');
await bridgeSDK.addEthWallet('YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY');
let oprationId;
try {
await bridgeSDK.sendToken({
token: TOKEN.ERC20,
erc20Address: '0x...',
amount: 0.01,
oneAddress: 'one11234dzthq23n58h43gr4t52fa62rutx4s247sk',
ethAddress: '0x12344Ab6773925122E389fE2684A9A938043f475',
}, (id) => oprationId = id);
} catch (e) {
You don't need to do anything more. All other actions will be done automaticly. If you work in browser mode - sign transactions action also will be called automaticly. You need only to fetch and display operation status (step 4)
* if you want to send ERC20 token - you need to set token token: TOKEN.ERC20
and add one more param erc20Address: 0x...
* Use try-catch to catch error with reason message. Also you can set logLevel = 2 for better debugging (look at step 1).
const operation = await bridgeSDK.api.getOperation(operationId);
* Recommended to use this call in a cycle if you want to monitoring & display operation status (look at full example)
const { BridgeSDK, TOKEN, EXCHANGE_MODE, STATUS } = require('hmy-bridge-sdk');
const configs = require('hmy-bridge-sdk/lib/configs');
const operationCall = async () => {
const bridgeSDK = new BridgeSDK({ logLevel: 2 }); // 2 - full logs, 1 - only success & errors, 0 - logs off
await bridgeSDK.init(configs.testnet);
await bridgeSDK.addEthWallet('YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY');
let operationId;
// display operation status
let intervalId = setInterval(async () => {
if (operationId) {
const operation = await bridgeSDK.api.getOperation(operationId);
'Action: ',
operation.actions.filter(a => a.status === STATUS.IN_PROGRESS)
if (operation.status !== STATUS.IN_PROGRESS) {
}, 4000);
try {
await bridgeSDK.sendToken(
token: TOKEN.ERC20,
erc20Address: '0x...',
amount: 0.01,
oneAddress: 'one1we0fmuz9wdncqljwkpgj79k49cp4jrt5hpy49j',
ethAddress: '0xc491a4c5c762b9E9453dB0A9e6a4431057a5fE54',
id => (operationId = id)
} catch (e) {
console.log('Error: ', e.message);
- If you want to copy this this example sources to your project - you need to change:
const { BridgeSDK, TOKEN, EXCHANGE_MODE, STATUS } = require('..');
const configs = require('../lib/configs');
const { BridgeSDK, TOKEN, EXCHANGE_MODE, STATUS } = require('hmy-bridge-sdk');
const configs = require('hmy-bridge-sdk/lib/configs');
const operations = await bridgeSDK.api.getOperations({ size: 50, page: 0 });