I'm Harshita Malviya 👨💻 a M.C.A. student from Mugneeram Bangue Memorial University passionate about software development and full-stack web development. I enjoy creating applications that combine both the 🚀front-end and back-end aspects to deliver seamless user experiences.
Programming Languages: JavaScript,Java,C++
Front-end: HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, React.js
Back-end: Node.js, Express.js
Databases: MySQL, MongoDB
Version Control: Git, GitHub
❓ Ask me about anything related to MERN stack and related technologies
⚡ Fun fact: I use tabs over spaces ✌️Feel free to reach out if you want to collaborate on a project or just have a chat!
I'm excited to continue growing as a developer and applying what I've learned to create innovative and user-friendly applications. I'm open to learning new technologies and collaborating on interesting projects.🚀