A basic note application that uses a CLI (Command Line Interface) frontend to capture and manage notes, and Couchbase Server as a data store.
- Add a note
- Remove a note
- Find notes by:
- id
- title
- tag
- List all notes
- Tag a note
- Update note
- Node.js - Javascript runtime
- yargs - Helps build CLI tools
- Couchbase Server - Document database to store data
- Docker - Used to host MongoDB instance (Not manadatory. See other options below)
A basic note application that uses a CLI (Command Line Interface) frontend to capture and manage notes, and a file system to store notes
A basic note application that uses a CLI (Command Line Interface) frontend to capture and manage notes, and mongodb to store notes
A basic note application that uses a CLI (Command Line Interface) frontend to capture and manage notes, Mongoose ODM to manage MongoDB interaction, and mongodb to store notes
A basic note application that uses a CLI (Command Line Interface) frontend to capture and manage notes, an express note management API built using Express, and Mongodb to store notes
A basic note application that uses an Express frontend to capture and manage notes, and mongodb to store notes
A basic note application that uses React frontend to capture and manage notes, an api written in ExpressJS, and mongodb to store notes
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
The following software is required to be installed on your system:
The following version of Node and Npm are required:
- Node 8.x
- Npm 3.x
Type the following commands in the terminal to verify your node and npm versions
node -v npm -v
Couchbase Server
Couchbase Server 5.x is required
Type the following address into your browser to verify that Couchbase Server is running on your local machine
See alternative Couchbase Server hosting options below
One of the 3 options below is recommended to get up and running with MongoDB:
- Install and host locally
- Install and host in container
- Host in the cloud
Visit the Couchbase Developer Portal for instructions on installing Couchbase Server on your OS.
To host couchbase in a Docker container, type the following in your terminal:
docker run -d --name cb-dev -p 8091-8094:8091-8094 -p 11210:11210 couchbase
Next, open http://localhost:8091
in your browser
For more information, see Couchbase Server Docker Hub and Couchbase Containers
Couchbase is available via the following cloud hosting providers:
Once you have a Couchbase Server running, please visit these instructions on creating a Bucket. You will need to create a Bucket called 'noteworx' using all the default settings.
Once you have created the 'noteworx' Bucket, open the Query window and type the following command into the query editor:
CREATE PRIMARY INDEX `id-index` ON `noteworx` USING GSI;
At this point you have completed all that is required on the Couchbase Server for the application to work.
Follow the following steps to get development environment running.
Clone 'noteworx-cli-couchbase' repository from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/drminnaar/noteworx-cli-couchbase.git
or using ssh
git clone [email protected]:drminnaar/noteworx-cli-couchbase.git
Install node modules
cd noteworx-cli-couchbase npm install
Lint project using ESLint
npm run lint
Lint project using ESLint, and autofix
npm run lint:fix
Run start
This will run
node app --help
and show a list of CLI commands that can be used to manage notesnpm start
Get help
node app --help node app add --help node app remove --help node app find --help node app list --help node app tag --help node app update --help
Add a note
node app add -t "Programming homework for weekend" -c "Read 'The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1" --tags "programming, homework" node app add -t "Programming homework for today" -c "Read 'Computer Science Illuminated" --tags 'homework'
Remove a note
node app remove --id "{NOTE_ID_GOES_HERE}"
Find notes
Find notes by title
node app find -t "homework"
Find notes by id
node app find --id "{NOTE_ID_GOES_HERE}"
Find notes by tag
node app find --tag "programming"
List all notes
node app list
Tag a note
node app tag --id "{NOTE_ID_GOES_HERE}" --tag "{TAG_NAME_GOES_HERE}"
Update a note
node app update --id "{NOTE_ID_GOES_HERE}" -t "Programming homework for weekend" -c "Read 'Computer Science Illuminated Pages 200-500" --tags "homework, compsci"
I use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Douglas Minnaar - Initial work - drminnaar