- v1.3.3 (2021.04.26)
- v1.3.2 (2020.09.16)
- v1.3.1 (2020.08.05)
- v1.3.0 (2020.05.30)
- host
- cli_app
- doc
- evk
- nrc_driver
- tools
- host_kr_mic
- cli_app
- doc
- evk
- nrc_driver
- tools
To build host driver, GNU ARM embedded toolchain is needed. Please follow commands to install toolchain by using toolchain in this repository.
tar -xf gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2018-q2-update-linux.tar.bz2
vi ~/.bashrc
export PATH="~/gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2018-q2-update/bin:$PATH"
NRC7292 Software package is provided in this repository. Please refer to the following git command to get it.
cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/newracom/nrc7292_sw_pkg.git
You can get Device Tree Source (DTS) for NRC7292 in dts directory. Please install DT overlay by following commands below.
cd /boot/overlays
sudo dtc -I dts -O dtb -o newracom.dtbo newracom-overlay.dts
sudo vi /boot/config.txt
Please upload the contents in host/evk/sw_pkg to sw_pkg directory on host platform, and follow below commands to install release package.
cd sw_pkg
chmod +x ./update.sh
And you can also install key binaries or build host driver as below.
Please follow below commands to install firmware, driver and cli_app.
cd host/evk/binary
cp ./cli_app ~/nrc_pkg/script
cp ./nrc.ko ~/nrc_pkg/sw/driver
cp ./nrc7292_cspi.bin ~/nrc_pkg/sw/firmware
You can get the pre-built host driver in nrc_pkg/sw/driver, but you can build it by youself by following below commands.
cd host/nrc_driver/source/nrc_driver/nrc
make clean
cp nrc.ko ~/nrc_pkg/sw/driver
If you want to apply a specific package to your exiting package directory, you can choose one of following methods.
Let's assume that you have v1.3.0 and want to apply v1.3.1 to your package location.
- Download a specific package you want.
- If it is official release version 1.3.1
- Go to https://github.com/newracom/nrc7292_sw_pkg/releases and choose the release package you want.
- Downalod the compressed package: zip version or tar.gz version
- Check the filename: nrc7292_sw_pkg-1.3.1.zip or nrc7292_sw_pkg-1.3.1.tar.gz
- Go to https://github.com/newracom/nrc7292_sw_pkg/releases and choose the release package you want.
- If it is the latest pacakge
- If it is official release version 1.3.1
- Replace your old package directory with the one you downloaded.
This needs your cloned repository and the internet connection.
- Move to the repository directory
cd repo/nrc7292_sw_pkg
- Pull down a branch
- If you want to pull down the latest one from master branch
git pull
- If you want to change into a specific branch by using tag version
git tag -l git checkout v1.3.1
There are a couple of configurable parameters as below.
# Default Configuration (you can change value you want here)
txpwr_val = 17 # TX Power
maxagg_num = 8 # 0(AMPDU off) or >2(AMPDU on)
cqm_off = 0 # 0(CQM on) or 1(CQM off)
fw_name = 'uni_s1g.bin'
guard_int = 'long' # 'long'(LGI) or 'short'(SGI)
supplicant_debug = 0 # WPA Supplicant debug option : 0(off) or 1(on)
hostapd_debug = 0 # Hostapd debug option : 0(off) or 1(on)
power_save = 0 # power save : 0(off) or 1(on)
You can apply your parameters by updating start.py script file.
vi nrc_pkg/script/start.py
The following is the parameters for start.py script file.
start.py [sta_type] [security_mode] [country] [channel] [sniffer_mode]
sta_type [0:STA | 1:AP | 2:SNIFFER | 3:RELAY]
security_mode [0:Open | 1:WPA2-PSK | 2:WPA3-OWE | 3:WPA3-SAE]
country [US:USA | JP:Japan | TW:Taiwan | KR:Korea | EU:EURO | CN:China]
channel [S1G Channel Number] * Only for Sniffer
sniffer_mode [0:Local | 1:Remote] * Only for Sniffer
OPEN mode STA for Korea : ./start.py 0 0 KR
Security mode AP for US : ./start.py 1 1 US
Local Sniffer mode on CH 40 for Japan : ./start.py 2 0 JP 40 0
sniffer_mode should be set as '1' when running sniffer on remote terminal
The following shows an example of AP running for US channel, and its channel can be configured in nrc_pkg/script/conf/US/ap_halow_open.conf. For WPA2/WPA3 modes, please refer to nrc_pkg/script/conf/US/ap_halow_[sae|owe|wpa2].conf files.
cd nrc_pkg/script
./start.py 1 0 US
The following shows an example of STA running for US channel, and its channel can be configured in nrc_pkg/script/conf/US/sta_halow_open.conf. For WPA2/WPA3 modes, please refer to nrc_pkg/script/conf/US/sta_halow_[sae|owe|wpa2].conf files.
cd nrc_pkg/script
./start.py 0 0 US
The following shows an example of local mode sniffer running for US channel 159.
cd nrc_pkg/script
./start.py 2 0 US 159 0