tanakai Public
Forked from glaucocustodio/tanakaiTanakai is a modern web scraping framework written in Ruby. A fork of Kimurai.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 20, 2023 -
chat-ui Public
Forked from nvima/chat-uiFully Customizable Chat UI for different Frameworks
Vue UpdatedJan 8, 2023 -
quizlet-learn Public
Forked from AdonisGM/quizlet-learnQuizlet is a free service that helps you study and improve your vocabulary. but it is not free for everyone. You need to pay for learning. You can use this service for free without paying.
JavaScript GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 9, 2022 -
devise_token_auth Public
Forked from lynndylanhurley/devise_token_authToken based authentication for Rails JSON APIs. Designed to work with jToker and ng-token-auth.
Ruby Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License UpdatedDec 21, 2021 -
devise Public
Forked from heartcombo/deviseFlexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 18, 2021 -
cgrates_web_jsonapi Public
Forked from cgrates-web/cgrates_web_jsonapiWIP
Elixir MIT License UpdatedMay 19, 2021 -
acts-as-taggable-on Public
Forked from mbleigh/acts-as-taggable-onA tagging plugin for Rails applications that allows for custom tagging along dynamic contexts.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedOct 12, 2020 -
netvoip Public
Forked from ortodoxo/netvoipDesign and implementation of a web platform for the administration of CGRateS. The project is being developed in python using the django-2.0 framework.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 18, 2020 -
geocoder Public
Forked from alexreisner/geocoderComplete Ruby geocoding solution.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedApr 30, 2020 -
Whisper Public
Forked from hyperoslo/Whisper📣 Whisper is a component that will make the task of display messages and in-app notifications simple. It has three different views inside
css-only-chat Public
Forked from kkuchta/css-only-chatA truly monstrous async web chat using no JS whatsoever on the frontend
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 16, 2019 -
jumpstart Public
Forked from excid3/jumpstartEasily jumpstart a new Rails application with a bunch of great features by default
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 1, 2019 -
TheMovieDB-RIB Public
Working project using RIB architecture pattern from Uber
TrackerManager Public
Singleton for managing CoreMotion ActivityManager and Pedometr
SVGPath Public
Forked from timrwood/SVGPathParse SVG path strings into UIBezierPaths in Swift