Converts NNF or counting graph to graphviz input.
nnf2dot$ ghc -o nnf2dot Main.hs
nnf2dot can be used on NNFs and counting graphs in formats accepted by iascar.
nnf2dot$ ./nnf2dot examples/example.nnf | dot -Tpng > nnf_example.png
nnf2dot$ ./nnf2dot examples/example.ccg | dot -Tpng > ccg_example.png
To customize node styles, go to Main.hs and change either of
andNodeStyle = "[label=∧ shape=box width=0.5]"
orNodSetyle = "[label=∨ shape=box width=0.5]"
plusNodeStyle = "[label=\"+\" shape=box fontsize=16 width=0.5]"
timesNodeStyle = "[label=\"✕\" shape=box fontsize=20 width=0.5]"
See graphviz docs for more.