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A sane set of common build settings.

Note: plugin split

Since version 1.9.0 the plugin is now split into three: common, publish and extra.


For each project where you'd like to use the build settings, add some or all of the following your project/plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("com.softwaremill.sbt-softwaremill" % "sbt-softwaremill-common" % "1.9.11")
addSbtPlugin("com.softwaremill.sbt-softwaremill" % "sbt-softwaremill-publish" % "1.9.11")
addSbtPlugin("com.softwaremill.sbt-softwaremill" % "sbt-softwaremill-extra" % "1.9.11")

Now you can add the appropriate settings in your build.sbt, e.g.:

lazy val commonSettings = commonSmlBuildSettings ++ Seq(
  // your settings, which can override some of commonSmlBuildSettings

Each dependency provides a choice of settings:

// common
commonSmlBuildSettings // compiler flags etc.

// publish

// extra - use all or choose
lazy val extraSmlBuildSettings =
  wartRemoverSettings ++        // warts
  acyclicSettings ++            // check circular dependencies between packages
  splainSettings ++             // gives rich output on implicit resolution errors
  dependencyUpdatesSettings ++  // check dependency updates on startup (max once per 12h)

Adding more ignored Warts

If you are annoyed by some Wartremover warnings and you'd like to extend the default set of ignored warnings, you can define them like:

      wartremoverWarnings in (Compile, compile) --= Seq(
      wartremoverWarnings in (Test, compile) --= Seq(
      wartremoverWarnings in (IntegrationTest, compile) := Warts.all // custom scope
        .diff(smlWartremoverTestCompileExclusions) // default set
        .diff(Seq(Wart.Var, Wart.MutableDataStructures))

sbt-softwaremill-common comes with:

sbt-softwaremill-publish comes with:

sbt-softwaremill-extra comes with:

Releasing your library

sbt-softwaremill-publish exposes a default configuration suitable for releasing open source libraries.

  • Add commonSmlBuildSettings or ossPublishSettings to your project's settings
  • Ensure you have configured your repository credentials, for example you may need to add credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".ivy2" / ".credentials") to ~/.sbt/1.0/cred.sbt or use other method.
  • Run the release command Consider that:
  • You need an OSS Sonatype account and sbt-pgp plugin properly configured with generated and published keys.
  • Your and docs directory will be parsed for "[organization]" %(%) "artifactId" % "someVersion" and that version value will be bumped.
  • If you a have multi-module project, you may need to add publishArtifact := false to your root project's settings.

Releasing your library using Travis

To use, you'll need to include com.softwaremill.PublishTravis.publishTravisSettings in the settings of your root project only:

lazy val rootProject = (project in file("."))

Moreover, you should include ossPublishSettings in the settings of all the projects you'd like to publish. You might need to customise settings such as sonatypeProfileName, scmInfo, developers etc. For example:

val commonSettings = ossPublishSettings ++ Seq(
  sonatypeProfileName := "com.example"

The release process is broken into two steps:

  1. local: sbt commitRelease. This sbt command prepares the next release: runs the tests, updates version.sbt, creates the git tag, commits the changes and finally asks the user to push the changes.
  2. remote: sbt publishRelease. This sbt command should be run on Travis, triggered when a new tag is pushed. It publishes the artifacts to sonatype, and invokes repository release.

See releaseProcess in PublishTravis for details on how the release steps are defined in both cases.


To run the release, travis needs to know the keypair to sign the artifacts, as well as the username/password to access These values all need to be prepared in file locally, then packaged, encrypted using a secret that's only known to travis, and committed.

Here's how to do that:

  1. create secring.asc and pubring.asc files with the PGP private/public keys
  2. create a credentials.sbt file with the following content:
credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager",

pgpPassphrase := Some("KEY_PASSWORD").map(_.toArray)
  1. create an archive: tar cvf secrets.tar secring.asc pubring.asc credentials.sbt
  2. login to travis: travis login (you'll need the travis CLI to do that)
  3. encrypt the archive: travis encrypt-file secrets.tar --add

This should have two effects:

  1. an encrypted file should be created in the top-level directory: secrets.tar.enc. This file should be committed. Take care not to commit secrets.tar, though :).
  2. a before_install segment should be added to travis.yml. This segment decrypts the secrets file, using environmental variables provided by travis

In the before_install section, there should also be an entry unpacking the secrets file: tar xvf secrets.tar.

If you are doing a matrix build, the release should happen during one of the runs - as the release releases for all cross-versions.

Example travis.yml file:

language: scala
  - 2.12.10
  - 2.13.0
  - openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_f7a2d53f3383_key -iv $encrypted_f7a2d53f3383_iv
    -in secrets.tar.enc -out secrets.tar -d
  - tar xvf secrets.tar
  - du -h -d 1 $HOME/.ivy2/
  - du -h -d 2 $HOME/.sbt/
  - du -h -d 4 $HOME/.coursier/
  - find $HOME/.sbt -name "*.lock" -type f -delete
  - find $HOME/.ivy2/cache -name "ivydata-*.properties" -type f -delete
  - find $HOME/.coursier/cache -name "*.lock" -type f -delete
    - "$HOME/.sbt/1.0"
    - "$HOME/.sbt/boot/scala*"
    - "$HOME/.sbt/cache"
    - "$HOME/.sbt/launchers"
    - "$HOME/.ivy2/cache"
    - "$HOME/.coursier"
  - sbt ++$TRAVIS_SCALA_VERSION test
  - provider: script
    script: sbt publishRelease
    skip_cleanup: true
      all_branches: true
      condition: $TRAVIS_SCALA_VERSION = "2.12.8" && $TRAVIS_TAG =~ ^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?

Releasing sbt-softwaremill

Sbt-softwaremill release process is setup on travis. This plugin uses itself to publish binaries to oss-sonatype.

For more details refer to Releasing your library using Travis.


A sane set of default build settings







No packages published


  • Scala 99.1%
  • Shell 0.9%