- To create the container either navigate to the software_mil directory and run
docker-compose up -d
run the following command to create the directory where the db data will be stored:
mkdir -p $HOME/docker/volumes/mongodb
run the following command to create a mongodb docker container:
docker run -d --rm --name mongod -p 27017:27017 -v $HOME/docker/volumes/mongodb:/data/db mongo
-d = run detached state
--rm = remove when container is closed
--name = set the container name
-p = set the port number that the container can be accessed with
-v = set the folder where all of the data from the container will be save note this is important to make sure all of the db data is persistent
mongo = will use the latest mongodb docker image to create container
- run the following to find the hash for container:
docker ps -a
this will return a list of all containers. Find the one with the name you specified above after the --name tag and use the first three characters in the container ID.
e3c6f862ed27 mongo "docker-entrypoint.s…" About an hour ago Up About an hour>27017/tcp, :::27017->27017/tcp mongod
- run the following with your container id to start up the container:
docker exec -it e3c bash
- once in the container you will run the command:
- next you will run the command:
use {name of database that you would like to create}
- then after cloning this repo you will replace the connection information in the db.js file at line 3:
let uri = "mongodb://localhost:27017/{name_of_databse_you_created}";
run npm install in the terminal in the software_mil folder
then run npm start
you should be able to add to and read documents to the database by using api calls to http://localhost:8080/api