Repository of the NDKFramework as showcased at Audio Developer Conference 2019.
Analog circuit emulations can be achieved using State-Space processing. However, prototyping in this domain can be cumbersome, as the derivation of its computational components is non-modular. For each circuit iteration, the necessary matrices have to be computed anew. The NDKFramework reduces this modularity issue by automatically deriving the matrices from the netlist specifications of the circuit in the application LTSpice. A set of Matlab scripts and extensions to the JUCE framework allow for offline-debugging and real-time simulation of analog circuits.
A comprehensive report, including the mathematical background, implementation details as well as the outcomes of our evaluation can be found here.
The following applications are needed to use the NDKFramework:
As well as the following libraries:
- Eigen. Use
brew install eigen
if you're using brew on macOS - nlohmann-json Use
brew install nlohmann-json
if you're using brew on macOS - NumPy. Refer to your Python package manager of choice to install it.
The NDKFramework facilitates the following workflow:
- Design your circuit in LTSpice. Abide to the specified naming conventions of the components, otherwise, they will not be parsed. Also refer to the list of currently supported components.
- Save the netlist of your circuit as follows:
- Right-click on the editing panel -> View -> SPICE Netlist
- Now things get a bit quirky due to Spice's text encoding. Copy the entire text content to your clipboard
- Close LT-Spice. You can see that as soon as LT-Spice closes, the
of the circuit file will disappear. - Open a text editor and (VERY IMPORTANT) paste without styles (On Mac:
) - Save the file, naming it
. This is a bit sketchy and lengthy, but we haven't found a workaround yet, that's as reliable as this method.
- Export the netlist to a .json file as follows:
- Open the terminal
- Type
python3 <> <relative-path-to-netlist-file> <relative-desired-output-path>
- (If you use the framework regularly, store the command above as an alias in your bashprofile)
- Open the
file in Matlab using the template files in this repository.- Specify the path to the
file. Also load an audio file as input. - As of now, you have to explicitly specify the equations for the nonlinear components you used in your circuit. For reference, please look at the example circuits.
- By running the simulation, you can see plots of voltages, currents, and states within the circuit
- Specify the path to the
- Open the NDKCircuitTemplate in the Projucer. in the
method, specify the.json
path in the stateSpaceProcessor constructor as follows:stateSpaceProcessor = std::make_unique<StateSpaceProcessor>("path-to-file.json", sampleRate);
- Build the project.
- Voltage sources
- Resistor
- Potentiometers
- Capacitor
- Inductor
- 1N914 Diode (Shockley equation)
- 2N2222 NPN Transistor (Ebers-Moll equation)
- 12AX7 Triode (Equations according Dempwolf)
- Operational amplifier (Only linear behaviour)
is any number (multiple digits are allowed)N_FROM
are the nodes the component is connected from / to- All component groups are required to be zero-indexed
is the entry point for the audio samples later.
Resistor := R#<NAME> N_FROM N_TO VALUE
Capacitor := C#<NAME> N_FROM N_TO VALUE
Inductor := L#<NAME> N_FROM N_TO VALUE
Voltage Input := VIN#<NAME> N_FROM N_TO
Voltage Supply := VCC#<NAME> N_FROM N_TO <"DC"> VALUE
- As potentiometers are not natively supported in LTSpice, two resistors with the maximum and minimum value have to be created instead.
Potentiometer Top := RT#<NAME> N_FROM N_TO VALUE
Potentiometer Btm := RB#<NAME> N_FROM N_TO
Voltage Out := VOUT#<NAME>
Ground := 0
- For a comprehensive understanding of LTSpice abbreviations, please look here.
- As of now, the only way to let the user change the circuit behavior is via potentiometers. These can be accessed by creating in a slider in the
and call the functionStateSpaceProcessor::updatePotValues
with the corresponding index for each potentiometer.
This project was mainly based on:
- Physical Modelling of a Wah-wah Effect Pedal as a Case Study for Application of the Nodal DK Method to Circuits with Variable Parts by Martin Holters and Udo Zoelzer
- Automated Physical Modeling of Nonlinear Audio Circuits For Real-Time Audio Effects—Part I: Theoretical Development by David Yeh, Jonathan S Abel and Julius Smith