Revisions is a plugin for the CakePHP-based Croogo CMS. It tracks any changes to nodes and allows you to edit / tag / create and push old revisions to a node.
Copy the revisions directory into your app/plugins directory.
Activate revisions using the Croogo Plug-ins admin section.
OPTIONAL Because of the way themed views work you will need to create a symbolic link linking any node type overrides you create in your themes in order to properly previous page nodes in the proper views.
For example if you have a folder called app/views/themed/mytheme/nodes which contains a custom view_page.ctp in order to preview revisions you must create a symlink folder from revisions to nodes.
cd app/views/themed/mytheme
ln -s nodes revisions
- Any node changes that alter title, excerpt or body generates a revision.
- A new tab appears for node editing called "Revisions"
- The revisions tab lists all previous revisions to the node.
- You can create revisions without modifying your existing node in the revisions tab.
- You can preview revisions by clicking on the title of the revision in the revisions tab. This will allow you to toggle between current node contents and your revision.
- You can "push" any non-current revision to the node using the "push" link on each revision. This will make that revision replace the contents of the current node (and save a revision for the current node if applicable).
- You can tag revisions with a custom Tag for identification
- Unit tests are broken. Need to find out why.
- Allow pushing tagged revisions en mass (one button pushing of all revision tagged "NEWSITE" for example
- Currently you can only preview nodes as pages. Need to think of a good way to preview things like blogroll/ homepage with a given revision tag.