All of the following functions are in python, but are being ported to C. Also, check out model/box.xml to find out how to get a working ArUco marker in mujoco! is an implementation of setting a subcreen for the cart pole. The subscreen shows the top view of the pole looking down at the cart. is similar to except there is a differential drive car that is being controlled to track a moving object. is an implementation of the mujoco camera tracking feature on another body in the subscreen. tracks a moving object with opencv integration for applying a bounding box on the item being tracked.
utils/ is a function call for setting subscreens in the main mujoco simulation window. Add cameras as needed in xml files.
utils/ is a function call for obtaining the pixels in a frame that will be passed to for further processing.
utils/ is a function call that draws a bounding box on (yellow) colored objects. Requires the frame obtained by The color of the object can be specified.