An application using Apache Cordova, Ionic Framework, and Typescript. Currently supporting iOS and Android.
- node.js
- Cordova and Ionic -
[sudo] npm install -g cordova ionic
- TypeScript -
[sudo] npm install -g typescript
- Gulp -
[sudo] npm install -g gulp
- Bower -
[sudo] npm install -g bower
[sudo] npm install ionic -g
- Change bower.json to latest version: "ionic": "driftyco/ionic-bower#master"
bower update
- Though you may have to use
sudo bower install
- Though you may have to use
- Navigate via the terminal (or cmd) to the root directory
[sudo] npm install
(Installs dependencies)ionic state reset
(Removes all plugins, if any, and re-adds them. Grabs list from package.json)gulp tsc
(Compiles typescript)ionic serve [--lab]
(Serves app in a node instance)
- The architecture of this template is a modified MVC framework. All application code is contained in the /www/app folder.
- Models are placed in a models folder (e.g. /www/app/models/).
- Views and Controllers are placed in their own folder together (e.g. /www/app/playlist/).
- Services are placed in the common folder (e.g. /www/app/common/).
- Main app views, models, and controller are just placed in the /www/app/ folder (e.g. /www/app/app-controller.ts).
- When adding a plugin, make sure to use
ionic plugin add <plugin>
rather thancordova plugin add <plugin>
in order to ensure that the plugin is added to the package.json. - To add a plugin without saving it to the package.json, add the --nosave argument to the add plugin command (e.g.
ionic plugin add <plugin> --nosave
) - Install tsd
npm install tsd -g
- Using tsd
cd www/app
tsd init
(this creates the typings folder and the tsd.json file
- Installing the packages
tsd install angular cordova-ionic cordova -ros
sudo npm install –g npm-check-updates
- installs npm-check-updates package
sudo rm –rf node_modules/
- removes the node_modules folder so we can update it.
npm-check-updates –u
- updates your package.json with the latest npm packages
sudo npm install
- installs latest node packages from your package.json to the newly created node_modules folder.