Please note that this module is very much early in development. Things might... break...
- This module allows you to write Web Worker code inline with the rest of your code
- This module is also somewhat type safe
- Allows you to Thread already existing functions
let thread = new Thread<number>((e: MessageEvent)=>{
console.log('Worker: Message received from main script');
const result =[0] *[1];
if (isNaN(result)) {
return 0;
} else {
console.log('Worker: Posting message back to main script');
console.log(`back from thread: ${e}`)
thread.postMessage([10, 12])
Instead of using the workers postMessage() method we return value from withing our method
Here's a few more examples
function someFunction(e: MessageEvent){
return 0;
new Thread((e: MessageEvent)=>{return 0}); // inline Thread with return type of number
new Thread(someFunction); // thread an already existing function
new Thread(someFunction, ['import Something from "../some.bundle.js";']); // thread with custom importing (threads will be added to a folder in your project directory.)