JetBrains Xodus is a transactional schema-less embedded database that is written in Java and Kotlin. It was initially developed for JetBrains YouTrack, an issue tracking and project management tool. Xodus is also used in JetBrains Hub, the user management platform for JetBrains' team tools, and in some internal JetBrains projects.
- Xodus is transactional and fully ACID-compliant.
- Xodus is highly concurrent. Reads are completely non-blocking due to MVCC and true snapshot isolation.
- Xodus is schema-less and agile. It does not require schema migrations or refactorings.
- Xodus is embedded. It does not require installation or administration.
- Xodus is written in pure Java and Kotlin.
- Xodus is free and licensed under Apache 2.0.
To start using Xodus, define dependencies:
<!-- in Maven project -->
// in Gradle project
dependencies {
compile 'org.jetbrains.xodus:xodus-openAPI:1.3.232'
Read more about managing dependencies.
There are three different ways to deal with data, which results in three different API layers: Environments, Entity Stores and Virtual File Systems.
Add dependency on org.jetbrains.xodus:xodus-environment:1.3.232
try (Environment env = Environments.newInstance("/home/me/.myAppData")) {
env.executeInTransaction(txn -> {
final Store store = env.openStore("Messages", StoreConfig.WITHOUT_DUPLICATES, txn);
store.put(txn, StringBinding.stringToEntry("Hello"), StringBinding.stringToEntry("World!"));
Add dependency on org.jetbrains.xodus:xodus-entity-store:1.3.232
try (PersistentEntityStore entityStore = PersistentEntityStores.newInstance("/home/me/.myAppData")) {
entityStore.executeInTransaction(txn -> {
final Entity message = txn.newEntity("Message");
message.setProperty("hello", "World!");
Add dependency on org.jetbrains.xodus:xodus-vfs:1.3.232
try (Environment env = Environments.newInstance("/home/me/.myAppData")) {
final VirtualFileSystem vfs = new VirtualFileSystem(env);
env.executeInTransaction(txn -> {
final File file = vfs.createFile(txn, "Messages");
try (DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(vfs.writeFile(txn, file))) {
output.writeUTF("Hello ");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ExodusException(e);
Gradle is used to build, test, and publish. JDK 1.8 is required. To build the project, run:
./gradlew build
To assemble JARs and skip running tests, run:
./gradlew assemble