This Python program is meant to determine to which taxa a bacteria is belonginig to, from long reads (>10.000bp), solely based upon alignment-free methods. As of now, the main focus is upon kmers proportions. It aims to do binning over a collection of samples, giving possible class to each read. It is a rebranching of a master 1 internship project, done on free time. Concept has not evolved since, but code was redesign for better comprehension.
Currently, five levels of taxa are implemented : domain, phylum, group, order and family. Once a model finished at a given taxa level, it aims to do another iteration from previous results, excluding non-matching reference genomes.
The core functionnalities relies on a class probabiliy attribution to discriminate reads that might not be good indicators for our specie to be determined. As many other options, you can choose the ratio and the selection function to suit best your biological context.
WISP is research software. If you want to use it, please source the code.
git clone -b v0.1.0 --single-branch [email protected]:Tharos-ux/wisp.git
cd wisp/
python -m pip install . --quiet
usage: wisp [-h] [-l] {build,predict} ...
Bacteria family identification tool.
{build,predict} Available subcommands
build Creates the database from the specified set of files.
predict Creates the samples and evaluates them.
Global Arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l, --locals Display locals on error.
The command build
allows to create models from a set of reference genomes.
usage: wisp build [-h] [-p PARAMETERS] database_name input_folder
positional arguments:
database_name Name for database
input_folder Input folder containig reference genomes
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Specifies a parameter file
The command predict
offers to predict taxonomy of sample from computed models.
usage: wisp predict [-h] [-p PARAMETERS] database_name input_folder output_folder
positional arguments:
database_name Name for database
input_folder Input folder containig unknown genomes
output_folder Input folder containig reference genomes
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Specifies a parameter file
All code about binning is in the workspace
is the main loop and argument
contains function to index the reference
contains the functions to create XGboost models from the
contains the functions to create the dataset for the reads we want to
contains the functions to make prediction on the sample dataset with models
Two scripts come along, in the scripts
downloads, from a refseq assembly file, the representative genomes, and annotates them by thier classification (NCBI taxonomy)
renders a html file with graphs from a .json, output of thewisp predict
URL to refseq assembly file for bacteria
Given a set of reference genomes, annotated with their taxonomy, this program samples a set of 10kb lectures in each reference genome. Each sample is fractured in k-mers, which are counted : those counts are the features for the model. We train the model on many samples, in order to try to extract a k-mer signature for each specie in our reference genomes. Then, when we want to predict, we apply the same treatment to our lectures, and we try to compute a list of classes that can be associated to the unknown sample. Once the upper classification level is determined, we move on to a lower one, until we reach family. If the confidence score is high enough, we may explore multiple branches of the taxonomy.
- Proof-of-concept
- Minimal docs + docstings
- Add multithreading on database build (#2fab1e3)
- Add multithreading on prediction (#9dbf868)
- Report system (#c07c7af)
- Build files + new argument parser (#9a6a118)
- Put the remaining parameters in code in the parameters file
- Test coverage
- Validation of parameters + definition of default parameters in parameters file
- Explore if using the full DNA alphabet (implemented) is better than solely A, T, C and G
- Validate scalability (database build holds with 14k reference genomes/prediction with 1M+ reads)
- Find ways to reject less reads (assembly?) because all reads inferior to length threshold are rejected
- Otherwise, find appropriate parameters for shorter reads, and validate those
- Increase speed by computing predictions by batches instead of one-by-one
- Validate quality of results with mock communities, damaged mock communities, then real data
- Integrate result plotting module to command line tool