This program is a simple chat application that allows users to connect with each other over TCP/IP connections. It provides a user-friendly command-line interface for managing connections and exchanging messages.
Run in order
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
To run the program, execute the following command in the terminal:
./chat <port_number>
Replace <port_number>
with the port on which you want the program to listen for incoming connections.
Upon launching, the program acts as a UNIX shell and provides the following command options:
1. help: Display information about the available user interface options or command manual.
2. myip: Display the IP address of this process.
3. myport: Display the port on which this process is listening for incoming connections.
4. connect `<destination>` `<port_no>`: Establish a new TCP connection to the specified destination at the specified port.
5. list: Display a numbered list of all the connections this process is part of.
6. terminate `<connection_fd>`: Terminate the connection with connection fd from connection list.
7. send `<connection_id>` `<message>`: Send a message to the connection with connection id from connection list.
8. exit: Close all connections and terminate this process.