Bottom-up human pose estimation decouples computational complexity from the number of people but requires additional operations to match the detected keypoints to each human instance. Existing approaches treat all keypoints equally while ignoring the relationships among keypoints, which in turn limits the performance ceilings. In this work, we propose a hierarchical associative encoding and decoding framework for bottom-up human pose estimation by introducing additional prior knowledge. Specifically, in addition to keypoint-level and instance-level associations, we further divide keypoints into groups and pursue group-level associations. In this way, prior knowledge is incorporated to determine the keypoint groups for better associative encoding. To deal with complex poses, a focal pulling loss is proposed to focus more on the hard-to-associate keypoints. Moreover, instead of using a pre-defined order for keypoint grouping, we propose a progressive associative decoding method to dynamically determine the order of keypoints for grouping, which helps reduce isolated keypoints. Experimental results on both MS-COCO and CrowdPose datasets demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed associative encoding and decoding algorithms. More importantly, we prove, through validation, that hierarchical associative encoding and decoding can be used as a plug-n-play module for performance improvement regardless of backbone architectures.
Backbone | Input size | AP | Ap .5 | AP .75 | AP (M) | AP (L) | AR | AR .5 | AR .75 | AR (M) | AR (L) |
pose_hrnet_w32 | 512x512 | 64.6 | 87.9 | 71.4 | 58.1 | 73.9 | 71.5 | 91.6 | 77.2 | 63.0 | 82.8 |
pose_higher_hrnet_w32 | 512x512 | 67.8 | 89.2 | 74.8 | 62.6 | 75.4 | 73.6 | 92.1 | 79.4 | 66.6 | 83.0 |
Backbone | Input size | AP | Ap .5 | AP .75 | AP (M) | AP (L) | AR | AR .5 | AR .75 | AR (M) | AR (L) |
pose_hrnet_w32 | 512x512 | 64.9 | 86.5 | 70.5 | 55.5 | 69.5 | 71.6 | 90.4 | 76.2 | 62.8 | 83.7 |
pose_higher_hrnet_w32 | 512x512 | 68.8 | 88.4 | 74.6 | 62.2 | 78.1 | 74.3 | 91.6 | 79.1 | 67.4 | 83.8 |
Backbone | AP | Ap .5 | AP .75 | AP (E) | AP (M) | AP (H) |
pose_higher_hrnet_w32 | 67.6 | 87.9 | 73.2 | 75.4 | 68.3 | 59.9 |
The code is developed using python 3.7, torch 1.10, torchvision 0.11 on cuda 11.1. NVIDIA GPUs are needed. The code is developed and tested using 2 NVIDIA A100 GPU cards for HrHRet-W32. Other platforms are not fully tested.
Clone this repo, and we'll call the directory that you cloned as ${POSE_ROOT}.
Init output(training model output directory) and log(tensorboard log directory) directory:
mkdir work_dirs mkdir test_dirs mkdir test_results mkdir vis_input mkdir vis_output mkdir data
For COCO data, please download from COCO download, 2017 Train/Val is needed for COCO keypoints training and validation. HRNet-Human-Pose-Estimation provides person detection result of COCO val2017 to reproduce our multi-person pose estimation results. Please download from OneDrive or GoogleDrive. Optionally, to evaluate on COCO'2017 test-dev, please download the image-info. Download and extract them under {POSE_ROOT}/data, and make them look like this:
|-- data
`-- |-- coco
`-- │-- annotations
│ │-- person_keypoints_train2017.json
│ |-- person_keypoints_val2017.json
│ |-- person_keypoints_test-dev-2017.json
|-- person_detection_results
| |-- COCO_val2017_detections_AP_H_56_person.json
| |-- COCO_test-dev2017_detections_AP_H_609_person.json
│-- train2017
│ │-- 000000000009.jpg
│ │-- 000000000025.jpg
│ │-- 000000000030.jpg
│ │-- ...
`-- val2017
│-- 000000000139.jpg
│-- 000000000285.jpg
│-- 000000000632.jpg
│-- ...
For CrowdPose data, please download from CrowdPose. Please download the annotation files and human detection results from crowdpose_annotations. Download and extract them under {POSE_ROOT}/data, and make them look like this:
|-- data
`-- │-- crowdpose
`-- │-- annotations
│ │-- mmpose_crowdpose_train.json
│ │-- mmpose_crowdpose_val.json
│ │-- mmpose_crowdpose_trainval.json
│ │-- mmpose_crowdpose_test.json
│ │-- det_for_crowd_test_0.1_0.5.json
`-- images
│-- 100000.jpg
│-- 100001.jpg
│-- 100002.jpg
│-- ...
For MPII data, please download from MPII Human Pose Dataset. We have converted the original annotation files into json format, please download them from mpii_annotations. Extract them under {POSE_ROOT}/data, and make them look like this:
|-- data
`-- │-- mpii
`-- |-- annotations
| |-- mpii_gt_val.mat
| |-- mpii_test.json
| |-- mpii_train.json
| |-- mpii_trainval.json
| `-- mpii_val.json
`-- images
|-- 000001163.jpg
|-- 000003072.jpg
│-- ...
Download pretrained models and our well-trained models from zoo (Google Drive and make models directory look like this:
|-- work_dir
`-- |-- |-- HAE_COCO.pth
`-- HAE_CrowdPose.pth
If you are using SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management), then execute:
If you like, you can prepare the environment step by step.
./tools/ configs/ work_dirs/HAE_COCO.pth 1 --out test_results/HAE_COCO.json --eval mAP
./tools/ configs/ work_dirs/HAE_CrowdPose.pth 1 --out test_results/HAE_CrowdPose.json --eval mAP
./tools/ configs/ work_dirs/HAE_MPII.pth 1 --out test_results/HAE_MPII.json --eval PCKh
./tools/ configs/ 2 --work-dir work_dirs/HAE_COCO --cfg-options evaluation.interval=100 model.pretrained=checkpoints/hrnet_w32-36af842e.pth
./tools/ configs/ 2 --work-dir work_dirs/HAE_CrowdPose --cfg-options evaluation.interval=100 model.pretrained=checkpoints/hrnet_w32-36af842e.pth
./tools/ configs/ 2 --work-dir work_dirs/HAE_MPII --cfg-options evaluation.interval=100 model.pretrained=checkpoints/hrnet_w32-36af842e.pth
python demo/ configs/ work_dirs/HAE_CrowdPose.pth --img-path vis_input/ --out-img-root vis_output --thickness 2 --radius 5 --kpt-thr 0.3 --pose-nms-thr 0.9
The above command will create three images under vis_output directory including the predicted keypoint coordinates, the predicted heatmap, and the predicted tagmap.
Thanks for the open-source MMPose, it is a part of the OpenMMLab project.
- HigherHRNet: Scale-Aware Representation Learning for Bottom-Up Human Pose Estimation. It is a part of the HRNet project.